29 Gallon Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jun 24, 2006
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Ok to start off with i know this is kinda a small tank but is there any two fish i can breed in here and be ok. I would really like to do some kinda hybrid. Thanks for any comments or help.
Ok to start off with i know this is kinda a small tank but is there any two fish i can breed in here and be ok. I would really like to do some kinda hybrid. Thanks for any comments or help.

Convict x sajica/jade eye or other related species
Convict x JD (you wont be able to keep them in here long term though)
Convict x Texas (again not long term)
Convict x BP (again not long term)
Could you please tell me more about the ones that i could keep in there for there hole life. Also could you give me some of the common names or pics that would be great thanks man

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