2 apple snails


Fish Herder
Feb 19, 2004
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yea.. they were expensive.. but there were eggs all above the water line so i figured id get 2 and hope theyre opposite sex.. 1 is green and 1 is yellow with a couple black stripes..

they were 2 for $5.49 canadian..

which i didnt like, but i drove there so i wasnt gonna come home empty handed...

should i stick em in my guppy tank? and see if they breed there? or should i put em in a 2 gallon vase and let em breed therE?

any ideas?
well i put em in my 10 gallon guppy tank.. and at night i turned on the light to check on em..

1 of em had eaten all the spiney thingies off 1 of the plant stems.. and was now eating the stem.. i wasnt told that these things eat plants...

I had apple snails (Pomacea bridgesii) in my planted tank and they were fine. Some snails will eat anything thats green.
Here is a link for all the apple snail questions you could have. http://www.applesnail.net/
mine dont eat plants... they eat Rotting plant matter but not the plant itself.... have u tried puttin cucumber in to take their minds of ur plants?

i naturaly put cucumber in because of my b/plecs... but they hardly get a chance with the snails.... :rolleyes: so i add extra ;)
Mine eat rotting plants, rotten food and somet algae etc but it doesn't touch the plants... perhaps yours is a different breed of apple snail so it's kinda different... :unsure:

Edit: btw mine is a typical yellowis coloured one
yea mins yellowish too.. ill see if i have some cucumber or somethin to stick in there... there are no plecos in that tank... only cories guppies and the snails

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