130 gallon planted tank

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These are a different species from ITViking's - his are Mikrogeophagus ramirezi (rams, blue rams, German blue rams etc); these are Mikrogeophagus altispinosus (Bolivian ram). Bolivians aren't quite as colourful as German blue rams.
Oh, I understand! Thank you for explaining that! I'll have to look further into these fish, they seem very cool :)
Beautiful fish :) is t just me, or is your ram looking a little pale? @ITViking posted a picture of his ram the other day and the stripes were coming through a lot more distinct - however, I literally know nothing about bolivian rams so if that's how he's supposed to look then completely ignore me :)
I’m not sure, I’ve never kept Bolivian rams before. I know a Dutch ram has way more vivid colors. They seem to be doing okay tho. It’s a couple who don’t like each other :p

edit: just as essjay said
Haha :D hopefully "love grows" in fish as they claim it sometimes does in people haha :D if not, would your LFS be willing to switch one out so you could try for a breeding pair? That would be pretty cool!!!
Haha :D hopefully "love grows" in fish as they claim it sometimes does in people haha :D if not, would your LFS be willing to switch one out so you could try for a breeding pair? That would be pretty cool!!!
I don’t have intentions in breeding these fish, I had a couple of rainbowcichlid (Herotilapia multispinosa) and they bred like rabbits. They didn’t leave the other fish alone and destroyed all my plants. They even bit my hand if I came to close. I gave them away to my lfs.
they were beautiful tho...
My firemouthcichlids are real models
I added more loaches, I have between 10 and 15 of them now. Here’s the smallest (1,5inches)
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The inhabitants of this tank are:
yo-yo loach
firemouth cichlid
bolivian ram
red ruby barb
bristlenose pleco
albino bristlenose pleco
polli white upside down catfish
bloodflank tetra (will move)
siamese algae eater
red rimmed melania
Yeah, it grows or it doesn't, it's a bit 50/50 in my experience, i'm still in search for some primrose-willow.

Red ruby barb59E749EC-30BB-469D-B142-FF9BBCE04BEC.jpeg
Yo-yo loach
red ruby barb
Bolivian ram

I really need to clean my windows :(

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