£1.49 From Lfs....

Some good ones there.... May have to invest in some paper and a hat :rolleyes:

Hamster is a bit of a random name... I do have a hamster though (called Yum Yums)
I try to think of random names, i kind of like make them up, i like the name midnight for your betta, or how about,
haha, those names dont sound any good you want something imaginitive, i like midnight.

Hawkins, everything you comment on is always negative. you never have anything nice to say, you seem like your always in a mood and take it out on people in their threads or other peoples comments.
please just dont comment if you can't say anything nice, it annoys me how you comment with negative language!
According to the man in the shop he was in the "wrong tank" and should be in the next one which was marked £12.99.....
Would have been false advertising if he didnt let me have it for £1.49 so he did :hyper:

I wasnt planning on buying any fish, i was just wandering to try and ease some baby pain but I seen him and had to have him!
Thats a good one....

Chips would suit him I think.... Or maybe Pea Muncher (as it took about 3 seconds flat for him to much up a whole shelled pea)
if you like a name about him eating pea's what about Peanut? as in Pea Nut . ......... I thought it was clever....whatever =D
I had a lovely family in the shop today, two daughters, two tanks all set up and ready and waiting for their Bettas.

One chose a stunning Super Delta male who was a sort or Pearly white colour with pink streaks on his fins... He is now named Pansy...

The other kid chose the most grumpy butch looking Red Crowntail boy and then decided to call him Leila.

Poor fighters must have a serious complex! They all have such feminine names LOL

Our fighters in display tanks in the shop have always had fighter names like Jet Li, Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan, though i did get caught chatting to 'Jackie' by a customer, thought i was a right loon!

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