tank cleaning

  1. metropolis93fan

    How to properly clean a bought-used tank where fish died

    bought a used small tank from a kid to use as my fish "hotel" when I stay at my parents house more than a few days. It's filthy and I want to make sure that whatever disease finally killed his betta (never cleaned it... his dad told him if it had a filter it wasn't necessary. Ha!) Best way? The...
  2. Anonymous Fox

    Using old water for knew fish?

    Is it safe to use the same water as your old fish for new ones? As long as you clean everything inside, hides, fake plants, gravel, etc?
  3. BSVKilbey

    Digging out my old Fluval Chi - Ideas Please :)

    Hi all, Welcome and thanks for reading. Whilst I am not a "newbie" to fish tanks it has been about 3 years since I filled a tank up. Upon clearing out my garage yesterday I found my old Fluval Chi 19L 5 Gallon Fishtank. I didn't bother cleaning it because the intention was to throw it away...
  4. bayaan.bawab


    hey y'all! ok i'm going to florida for a week tomorrow (wednesday) and coming back next thursday. the problem is i normally clean my tank on sundays. i have a 5 gallon tank with one betta a few moss balls and a plant that has the roots in the water and the leaves outside the tank. so i last...
  5. Jan Cavalieri

    Why oh Why do these two tanks look so different!

    Sorry this is so poorly written but we're doing a water change later today and would like at least a couple comments: The first example is 'TANK A" the second example is 'TANK B" both taken today about 4 hours after feeding - the debris you see on the ground in both tanks is mostly empty snail...
  6. bayaan.bawab

    I forgot my conditioner

    hi everyone, i’m fairly new to the fish hobby and today was the first time i did a 50% water change without any help from my fellow fish keepers. because the bucket was really heavy i decided to take two trips to the bathtub and back. however, i realize that because of this i only added...
  7. D

    Dwarf Gourami Iridovirus Clean Up

    Hello all, I am brand new to the forums. I am here looking for some help. I recently had a dwarf gourami die from what seems to be iridovirus. This was my first gourami, and I was not aware of the disease until he was already sick, and I began researching what might be wrong. All of the...
  8. N

    Betta tail rot--proper treatment??

    Hi there! I'm new to this forum as well as being a new fishy caregiver!! I recently got a male veiltail about a month back named nugget. He is in a 5gallon planted tank with standard gravel, driftwood, 3 ghost shrimps, and some moss balls (will post pictures). About 2 weeks after I got him I...
  9. BelldandyShanny


    I just got my python in the mail, and O M G I don't know how I ever lived without it! cleaning the tank went from thousands of bucket trips and about an hour to hose right to sink and about 15 minutes! weeeeee!  