
  1. shikarii

    Glo Tetra bloated

    Currently have 5 glo tetras in a 10 gallon tank. Ive had the tank for a year and a half. Water levels are fine, I noticed my yellow one is extremely bloated, the others are fine. Any advice on how to fix this? He eats and swims normally.
  2. J

    My first tank!

    Hello everyone! This is my first post and tank! For Christmas I received an Interpret 5.5 gal glow life aquarium kit. It's pretty much set up for globefish, but it's compatible with any. I washed the tank only an hour after opening it and I washed the gravel in a spaghetti strainer so my water...
  3. K

    Guppies: tank mates

    Hello, I'm starting up my tank again with now 3 male guppies in an 18g tank. It is about 18inches tall, 17inches wide and 14inches from the back to front of the tank. I was thinking about getting glofish. Would they get along with the guppies? Or any other suggestions
  4. B

    GloFish not very active

    Hi there- I am relatively new to the hobby and have had my ten gallon tank for about 6 months now. I have had many different species of fish in my tank, but have given them away to friends, a few die off etc. As of the past 3 months, I have 4 GloFish in my tank. At first, when I put them in...
  5. L

    Newbie fish owner with Neon Danios

    So I've recently adopted three Neon Danios (I think they're also called Glofish) from my sister. They're in a smallish tank, I think five gallons. I've read around that Danios work best in schools of five to six, but also that they should have at least ten gallons. I can't afford a new tank...
  6. C

    Newbie To Fishkeeping And I Think My Fish Are Fighting

    Hello, my name is Cara and since I was a kid I always had a thing for fish. I use to own a couple of bettas growing up, but as you may know, those types of fish don't go well with others and you can only have one at a time. I'm trying to set up my own aquarium now and I decided 3 months ago to...
  7. S

    New Here And Having A Lot Of Problems

    I'm new here and I'm having a lot of problems setting up my tank.  I have a lot of questions.  LOL I was given a 5 gallon GLOFISH aquarium for Christmas. I set it up according to the instructions that came with the tank. I have a whisper bio filter, small heater and air stone.  I'm using gravel...
  8. K

    Zebra Danio (Glofish) Lost Her Tail, Help?

    I have a small castle in my 10 gallon tank, and noticed that one of my danios was stuck in one of the holes. When I removed her from it, she had worn off her tail and some side fins and is now sitting in the bottom of the tank. There are three other danios and one black molly with her, but they...
  9. I

    My Fish Seem To Be More Hyper Aggressive Then They Should Be.

    Alright I have a 55 gallon tank with 2 discus, 2 angels, 1 rainbow shark, 1 small snail, 1 small regular pleco, and now 4 glofish(zebra danios), 5 glofish(tetras), and 6 glass fish. the glofish are dying one by one and they seem more aggressive then they should be towards each other ONLY. I had...
  10. M


    My daughter recently purchased 5 glofish and a small algea eater from a fish store. We had gotten the algea eater on accident, but my daughter loved it because.itwas different. However, today our little algea eater died, and my daughter was devastated. I'm going to get her another one tomorrow...
  11. A

    Is 36 Inches Fish Tank Enough For These Fishes?

    I am planning to buy an aquarium for following fishes:   3 Red tailed black variatus ( 3 inches each) 3 Balloon belly molly (3 inches each) 3 Glofish (2 inches each)   Is 36 inches tank enough (40 gallons enough), considering I have to decorate the tank with plants and other assortments? The...