My Water Stats = Cycling?

"Now how long does it normally take for the nitrite spike to go away?" Can be twice as long as the ammonia so normally about 2 weeks.

Souonds good to me, thanks.

Haven't been testing for Nitrite in the 55 gallon, but good thing I did, it was up to 1ppm so I did about a 60% WC and have yet to test it. The 10 gallon is coming along nicely as well.

Haven't been testing for Nitrite in the 55 gallon, but good thing I did, it was up to 1ppm so I did about a 60% WC and have yet to test it. The 10 gallon is coming along nicely as well.

How long have you been cycling?
The 55 gallon has been fish-in cycling since the 26th of December.

The 10 gallon has been going since the 12th, and had only added ammonia since the 17th.

Not quite home and dry on the 55g yet and your 10g is still early days.

So the Nitrite levels are zero and the ammonia is going away withing the day, so I ordered 3 Dwarf Baby Tears (hemianthus callitrichoides) and 2 Micro Swords (lilaeopsis brasiliensis) from liveaquaria. I am planning on putting 2 rams, hopefully females, and cory of some sort.

The more i look at your tank and stand the more i love it.

Haha thanks man. Yeah the stand came out way better then I thought, and only cost $65. I have since taken out the large plant in the middle and the root-like structure on the left is now gone because it being hollow just made it a breeding ground for all types of things I would rather not deal with. I took the plant out because mainly due to its placement, made it a heavy mechanical filter(the output of the filter shoots right at it and it catches everything) and started to grow what looked like red algae but I have no idea. Either way I took it out and just left it at that. I figure she is going to need more room when she gets big, so might as well let her know it's going to be there and put less clutter in the tank. Man that turned into a much longer post then I thought it would be.


That stuff looks mean.

I have no idea what this was, it was clearish with a red tint to it, it might have just been her pellets that she has spit out rotting, either way its outta there.

I got my order today.

They actually sent me an extra Dwarf Baby Tears so that was appreciated. The tank as of now is not going to have fish in it for about a week just so they can root well, I will be feeding ammonia when I test it and it is below 0.5 ppm.

So here is the 10 gallon with it's new inhabitants. I have the 2 held down by a small amount of substrate around the end, and the other ones are held down, one wit a small amount of substrate and a clear gem rock thing, and the other by glass rocks alone. The Micro swords seem a bit small, lol, they look like dwarf hair grass, but it did have the micro sword marker in it. Hopefully after a week or so these will be securely rooted and I can add my fish.


So here is the 10 gallon with it's new inhabitants. I have the 2 held down by a small amount of substrate around the end, and the other ones are held down, one wit a small amount of substrate and a clear gem rock thing, and the other by glass rocks alone. The Micro swords seem a bit small, lol, they look like dwarf hair grass, but it did have the micro sword marker in it. Hopefully after a week or so these will be securely rooted and I can add my fish.



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Well, just checked the 55 gallons stats and after about 2 days of not doing a WC the Ammonia levels are 0 as well as the Nitrite. So it seems this thread is done, I will be starting a new thread soon about my planted 10 gallon. THanks for stickin by.


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