Zebra Danio Fry!

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Fish Herder
Aug 19, 2011
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My Zebra danio eggs hatched today! They are in a 13 litre tank of their own with a heater and an airstone.

I have a few questions!
  • When should I start feeding them? I've heard I should leave it a few days because they have their egg sack to eat?
  • What should I feed them? I was thinking boiled egg yolk, can someone give me a method!
  • How often do i feed them? Someone told me 6 times a day.
  • How often do I clean the tank, and how much water do i change?
Pictures for you guys :p There are hundreds of fry!!



Thank you! :)
They have started to swim around instead of just sticking to the glass... I need to know when to feed them!!
I would hatch out baby brine shrimp and begin feeding them now. A day or two after hatching and they should begin to feed.

Water changes are important with babies, I would change a small portion -10% daily
Thank you! It will be hard to clean the bottom of the tank... There is no substrate, but some of the fry are sat on the bottom! D:
No substrate is a good idea easier to keep clean. Boiled egg will also work but will pollute water quickly. Baby brine will survive a while in tank. Babies are fun! Finding homes will probably be your only problem. Good luck
I have a LFS that will take them, they took my firemouth cichlids when I raised them. :)
Put the moss ball int there from your old tank, that should help as it will harbour microorganisms for them to eat.
Put the moss ball int there from your old tank, that should help as it will harbour microorganisms for them to eat.

I have already added the moss ball, I fed them some egg yolk and cleaned their tank today, they are all swimming around now - rather than just sticking to the glass like they were yesterday... :)
aaw congrats i posted in your other thread sorry didn't see this one up :D congrats keep the pics coming :)
Just thought i'd show you a vid of the fry - 3 weeks old yesterday :D


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