Your Thoughts Please


Fish Fanatic
Nov 15, 2012
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Hi All

Even though ive kept fish for a while now i still count myself as a newbie i just wanted you thoughts/opinions on how often to rinse my filter media.

I do 25% weekly water changes but whats the best routine for the external filter.

my filter has 3 baskets but its multi layered with 3 grades of sponge ceramics and carbon and wool pads.

Currently i rinse my sponges and ceramics every 2-3 weeks in aquarium water and change the wool pad at the same time is this too often???

Current stock 180l

8 guppies
1 pleco
1 clown loach
4 s.a.e's

Thanks in advance.
Most of what I've read is a lot of people hardly ever rinse the media unless it gets really clogged, plus the carbon has probably not much use now and a lot don't use it unless it is to get rid of medication or tannin so that can be replaced with ordinary filter media.
okay il get the harsh side over quickly :p pleco what pleco you go? if its a common please take it back ASAP and get a BN :p

Clown loach are best in groups of 6 or more but require a HUGE tank, floor space not hight in that cense,

i do 25% water change weekly now, and used to clean my filters out every 2 to 3 weeks but i now do them monthly and if i cant 2 monthly, yes i was sponges in tank water, ceramics in tap water, and change the filter wool either weekly or when i do the filters.

this is not to often just depends how dirty they get, ive left mine for almost 3 months before cleaning filters and was fine, but wouldn't recommend it, as long as flow is okay, and water looks clean, all will be fine test your water regally and not much can go wrong tbh.

i would take your carbon out and replace it with more wool but that is up to you, its what i did as the carbon dosnt do much other than tank chemicals out like Medication,

hope this helps :)
Hi All

Thanks for the comments so far, another question regarding carbon will this effect my plant ferts? will it take them out of the water?

The plec is a leperd plec about 2" long and has been for about 1yr.
I've never changed sponges or wool, and won't do until they are falling apart. I just give them a swish and squeeze on old tank water every month - 6 weeks or so. I never rinse the ceramics at all. I don't use carbon, as others have said it is mainly for removing medication from the water. However, be wary of just removing the carbon, as it will have bacteria on it as well - I suggest keeping it there until you need to remove it, to put a new one in, for the above reason.

The carbon will not affect plant fertiliser - it removes heavy metals (copper, etc)

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