your opion

what better plastic plants or real

  • real plants

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • plastic plants

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apart from recent setups have always done it with plastic plants. the last one i spent over £200.00 on plastic plants and it looked good not just in my opion but everyone elses as well who thought they were real having said that i have always bought the expensive ones and it pays off making the tank look good ..

if any of you have seen any of my photos on here all those photos are with plastic plants keep them clean and they look good

also on the other note real plants also look good but you are tied to which fish you can have with them as some of my bigger fish try to eat plastic ones.

i now have two tanks with reals plants and two with both in happy voting
Cheese Specialist said:
Real. No contest. They make it natural and help with amonia, nitrIte and nitrAte.

No to mention the fact they look infinatley better and are cheaper. Or the fact that they reproduce themselves.
i reckon!
schzaam said:
so the vote unamious
real plants are better
i new it all along
im right CFC
I never said plastic plants were better but there are situations where artificial plants are the better option. For a single display tank then yes real plants are the best way to go but in a breeding or hospital tank which is only lit by the light in the room and has no substrate or in a tank which contains fish that eat plants or a brackish tank which is too small for java fern then artificial ones are the only option.

Everything has its uses somewhere.
CFC said:
schzaam said:
so the vote unamious
real plants are better
i new it all along
im right CFC
I never said plastic plants were better but there are situations where artificial plants are the better option. For a single display tank then yes real plants are the best way to go but in a breeding or hospital tank which is only lit by the light in the room and has no substrate or in a tank which contains fish that eat plants or a brackish tank which is too small for java fern then artificial ones are the only option.

Everything has its uses somewhere.
I would agree with CFC, although real plants are more aesthetically pleasing and aid the tank enviroment more by helping with the Nitrogen Cycle, plastic plants still have their uses. CFC has given examples of hospital tanks and quarantine tanks which is right but also consider some tanks were plants simple can't survive and plastic plants are your only green alternative, for example in a tank full of Silver Dollars or other large herbivorous fish. Also when you have an UGF in use which is often the case in a tank full of messy Goldfish than plants simply can't survive, they often can't even withstand life with just Goldfish for long unless they are hardy and very well cared for, so plastic plants have their uses although I would prefer real plants where and when possible. :)

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