young platy pregnant?


New Member
May 7, 2012
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We have a 25g tank & are relatively new (3 months) to the world of Platys, but I've been reading (a ton!) & feel like I have a good gauge of what I'm doing & what's best for my fish. We added a youngin to the tank about a week ago, and although I'm not sure exactly how old she is (the woman I got her from wasn't sure), she's about 1/3 the size of the other three females in my tank. I'm curious - even though she's so small & clearly young, but she definitely looks pregnant, with a lighter spot & a bulging belly (just like my other pregnant female, who'd 6.5cm long). Does that seem odd? Is she too young to have a brood? I wish I knew exactly how old she was to be more specific. Can anyone help me figure out how old a Platy can be for a first brood? Thanks!
I have a sunset platy that had 15 fry at christmas. I took most to the lfs but I kept 3 females as their father died before they were born so I knew interbreeding wasn't an issue.

I replaced my male platy around February time. Last month all 3 of the 'babies' had babies themselves - at just 4 months old. The fry were miniscule but they are all in my fry tank still alive.

It sounds as if your about to see the same thing. All I can advise is you keep an eye on 'teen mum' and hope it goes okay.

Good luck

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