Young African Clawed Frog Living In Filter Box


Fish Fanatic
Nov 5, 2012
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A little back story....

Around a month ago we put 2 African Clawed Frogs in our 'family' tank (Juwel Rio 300), unfortunately one of them died, I have no idea what happened to it, when we put them in the tank it swam inside one of the larger tank ornaments, then 5 days later I found it upside down on the gravel...

The other one however for some reason started living out of the water, there is skirting inside the tank with a pocket of water which it would sit in, I would put food down and it would eat it. Then a few days after putting it in the tank it got inside the filter box.

When I found the dead one I presumed it was the one from the filter as I could no longer see it, however the tank was cleaned out yesterday and to my shock we found the frog was still alive in the filter. I dont know how it survived as I havent put food in for it in nearly 2 weeks. When my dad removed the filter pads it swam right down into the filter box near the heater and I havent seen it since.

I was basically wondering if there is any way of getting it out of the box? Now I know how big these grow obviously it cant stay in the tank as it will eat some of the fish, but I dont want to leave it in the filter box in case it starves or gets trapped and cant come up for air....any suggestions?

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