You Silly Betta People..

This is over the top. I can see never2many's point of view better than I can see yours, Ethos. I don't understand exactly what you expected to become of this thread except to perhaps pawn off some of your old fish, which isn't against the law or anything, but to say you're dumping them at the lfs if no one wants them and then- in just a few months- you plan to make some of your own....? Can you really not see how wrong that seems?
And seriously, not to be rude but if 3 VT's are breaking your back- just wait until you have fry :lol: I understand your summer defense but nothing ever works exactly as we plan.

Durbkat~ You won't be telling anyone to "shut up" for 5 days now. Well, maybe you will (you probably said it after you read my comment!) but you won't be saying it here at TFF. Aren't betta people silly?
Would you just shut up, would you rather ethos keep them and since he can't give them the care they need and let them set in there own waste and only get there tank water changed maybe once a month or would you rather them get sent to someone that has more time on there hands and can clean there tank every week? :rolleyes:
You people that are bashing ethos need to do this. :rolleyes:

I absolutely think that rehoming them is the best option if Ethos has decided that he doesn't have enough time for them. That is a responsible and caring thing to do. My issue was with the fact that Ethos said that if (s)he couldn't find anyone to give them to then they would be dropped off at the pet store. That is worse than dropping them off at the humane society because at least at the humane society they interview the potential new owners. I'm sure many of you won't agree but if the only two options are euthanizing a three year old betta or sending it to a pet store, I think euthanasia might be more kind. The pet stores near me, at least, don't care at all about how their bettas are cared for or who buys them.

But all this doesn't really matter because it seems that the Bettas have found new, caring homes. Congratulations on finding new homes for them, Ethos. I'm sure you will be sad to see them go but you've done the best thing for them at this point in time.

I understand your summer defense but nothing ever works exactly as we plan.
I know that though. Because, in fact, I was planning on breeding durning Christmas break.. Its a good thing didn't.

Aren't betta people silly?
They certianly are.
I don't think that there are disscussions like this anywhere else on the forum.
Geeze, some of these people... hehe...

And thanks happyannie fo offering to take them off my hands ;)
Rehome the fish you are tired of and have no time for. Just please, don't breed others. There will be a hundred times the care and space required for a spawn and growout than for these fish that are too much for you to handle. Please, be mature and realistic about this. Spawning is not just for fun, it requires responsibility and serious understanding and committment.

Best of luck finding new homes.
Why don't people read the whole thread anymore?
I can handle them, I just can't handle them properly.
The would survive decently, but not with much love an attention.
In the summer, when I have no school or real work that involves much time, I'll have tons of time.
I've done my studying (which obviously, since your new you haven't seen all my questions), and I know how, why, where and what to do.
This summer, I will be home all the time(except in July on trip to NY).
It was nice of you to warn me though. ;)
Wow, this thread got bad really fast

I've sold a betta to someone else, when I realized that I had only enough time to keep two happy. I got rid of him before I became attached to him, though. It's always slightly lame to see them go.

I am fairly sure when he said, "It's your fault I had so many!", he was actually making a light joke. "MBS recovery" has always been a sort of in-joke for betta owners, especially coupled with loud (comical) exclimations of, "It's all your fault!". I've even made a few peer pressure jokes on this forum.

While I certianly don't agree with the name calling, I can see how both reactions came about. I think that perhaps it went a step beyond "proper". Ethos has always said that he liked his bettas, but thought of them mostly as fish and not pets. While not in alignment with the way I think, I can respect that.

I can't comment on the betta breeding. *shrug* I've always known that I'm not capable of that level of responsibility. I hope you are, if you try. It seems like it'd be quite a bit of work and expense.
well it didn't bother me that much that he was sending them off to new homes, but rather that he had plans to breed more. probably shouldn't have taken stabs at him, but im done with this now, i dont see any point in trying to convince him other wise while he is obviously dead set on this, best of luck to you ethos.

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