Yet Another Stocking Dilemma!

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The current Mrs Treguard ;)
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Sep 6, 2010
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I have a 5'x2'x2' (560l) that's looking a bit empty, but I can't decide what fish to add!

In the tank already are a single male angel, a gibbiceps, a synodontis and one (big) striped and one (small and never seen!) spotted talking catfish. The water here is very soft, with a pH of about 6.5. Nitrates in the tank are around 20-30ppm, ammonia and nitrite 0.

I've thought about trying a group of angels (I have other tanks that I could use to grow on youngsters), but we all know what angels are like, and I don't really want any aggro! The tank isn't really planted, although I have some anubias and Java ferns on wood, as the gibbi uproots most things, so I'm worried about being able to break up sightlines sufficiently. I suppose I could try some jungle val or giant sagittaria and weight the roots with pebbles... but my son hates angels, and if they kicked off he'd never let me forget it

So, I'm probably looking at a shoaler, which needs to be; not nippy, because of the angel, fairly large and deep bodied, so the talking catfish can't eat them by accident. I've had Congo tetras in the past, and they were beautiful fish, but I rehomed them as I suspected they were nipping the angel I had at the time, so I'm reluctant to try them again. I've considered emperor tetras, but I'm not sure if they get big enough to be safe from the talking cat?

Also, and I know it's a bit silly, but I don't really want anything red or orange
I have goldfish in my pond, which is right outside the French windows next to the big tank, and want something that looks different

Any ideas anyone?
cooledwhip said:
cardinal tetras?
Too small; even my angel might eat those, let alone my catfish
I need things at least three inches long as adults, I think
What about Pelvicachromis pulcher? Kribs do well in several water types and tend not to be too territorial with other species. They pair up and breed in the aquarium so mating behavior is very interesting. They also are about the right size you are talking about. And, they are stunning. 
Oooh, no, sorry, I can't bear kribs! My mum used to breed them; I spent years living in a house with krib fry tanks all over the place!

I'd really prefer a mid water shoaler, tbh. Apart from the gibbi, the catfish are never out during the day, and a 5' tank looks very empty with one angel in it
Ha! Childhood issues shouldn't stand in the way of a beautiful fish. ;)
tcamos said:
Ha! Childhood issues shouldn't stand in the way of a beautiful fish.
Lol, true, except I don't think they're beautiful either! They're just brown really

Anyway, cichlids are not what I'm looking for, however lovely they may or may not be
To each his or her own...I think they are lovely. I loved mine. They were so well behaved and interesting to observe. 
But...since you are a chichlid bigot there's nothing I can do about that. ;)
The problem I am having is the size you want in a mid-water swimmer that is shoaling and gets along with angels...oh and it can't be red or orange! Ha!
  • I'm guessing the diamond tetra is a bit bland for you?
  • Giant danio?
  • Head and tail light tetra
  • Lemon tetra
  • I like Rams, but don't think they would work with the angels. 
  • Green tigers are nice, fit most of the bill, but can be nippy, though I've never had them be a problem may have. 
  • Sailfin molly, very underrated fish that is boisterous and showy. 
I know there are more out there but these are pretty commonly available. 
Hey, I love cichlids! Rams are my all time favourite fish, but I can't get decent stock where I live
They're not what I want for this tank though, apart from the angel, of course

This is the tank, btw;

The diamond tetras and the giant danios are great suggestions though, thanks
Looking at the tank I'm thinking the danio would look good in there and provide a contrast to the shape and color of the angel. 

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