Yamato Or Amano Shrimp Dying Strangely


New Member
Feb 29, 2012
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Please help! :shout: my experience with shrimps didn't go down well. 4 yamato shrimps died staright after put into my tank. the strange thing is they chages colour. one became pink, one was red and one was pink. but i got 2 before them already in my tank. sadly, they died with the newcoming 4 shrimps :sad: . the most striking thing i did was i put New plants and 3 JBL fertilizer tablets. thus, i asked pets at home people- well, i know they are not good but it is the nearest one. they tested my water and results are fine- ammonia zero. nitrate little bit high. nitrite is zero :good: . then, they give me free 6 shrimps again. and leave them dark all night and i did.

But it's been a day and they all hiding all together in one place and never came out. :crazy: what is happening? please help me. i feel annoyed if my fish died.

here is my data.
fluval 125l tank
loads of plant, hiding places and air pumps
temp mostly 27. unless water change. which sometimes become 24 or 23
i change water once a week, 20l to be more exact.
i have 6 harlequin 6 regtail and their babies, 2 peaceful and dump gourimi, 7 neons, 4 dwarf neon, and very playful, colourful very tiny little fish :shifty: don't know what theri name. i google it. But i need specific advice from you guys. please
I lost about 50 shrimps in similar circumstances.

It could be the fert tabs.

Same thing happened to me - corys rooted up the fert tabs and I later found out that they contain copper which is of course toxic to shrimp.
for the dead shrimps - some good suggestions above but I would also add, how did you acclimatize them to the tank?

for the new shrimp - hiding is pretty much what they do, especially if you have largish fish in there with them. I keep 6 in mine and I barely ever see them.
I lost about 50 shrimps in similar circumstances.

It could be the fert tabs.

Same thing happened to me - corys rooted up the fert tabs and I later found out that they contain copper which is of course toxic to shrimp.

Metals in fertiliser tabs are chelated to avoid this very scenario.

nay, which JBL tabs did you use, was it the ferrotabs?
I lost about 50 shrimps in similar circumstances.

It could be the fert tabs.

Same thing happened to me - corys rooted up the fert tabs and I later found out that they contain copper which is of course toxic to shrimp.

Metals in fertiliser tabs are chelated to avoid this very scenario.

nay, which JBL tabs did you use, was it the ferrotabs?

Well this is just my opinion - I have no other reason for losing what was a thriving community of shrimp that had been reproducing and growing for more than 6 months. The only change I made was the tabs so I can only attribute it to this.

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