Wow i think i've done it


Fish Fanatic
Jan 18, 2002
Reaction score
Well folks,

After another three weeks of conditioning my bettas, i thought i would give it another go at breeding my bettas.

Well guess what tonight the pair that i put together yesterday have spawned. (well i think they have) I can see minute eggs in the bubble nest. The female has been removed back to the holding tank for some rest, not too soon i hope, and the male is looking like he is looking after the eggs.

Now for the wait. :but:

I'll keep you posted. :thumbs:

Huge congratulations! I hope they all hatch successfully :)

Hi Folks,

Well just giving you an update on my betta and his father duties. :laugh:

Well i checked this morning to find that the bubble nest is alive with tiny fry. These are constantly falling to the bottom of the tank where the male then retrieves them and put them back into the nest.

There is about 20 - 30 fry at this moment but might be more when i get home tonight.

Gaza T
Hi Davy,

Good question :0 I think i am going to try and sell/swap them for different kinds of other fish for my other tank.

Failing that i am going to have to get another tank :p

My Lfs have said that they may take them.

Good idea, you'll just need to tell the missus you need another tank :laugh:
It's good your lfs will take them, some are starting to get funny :grumpy:

Oh and if I was closer I'd take some :)
Hi Davy,

Most lfs around here are also getting funny about taking fry/small fish, i dunno why because surley they would make more money taking local fish rather than buy fish from distributors.

the lfs in question is a major pet store, i wont name it in case someone is reading :but: but was there tonight and again they said they should take them, proberly because i visit there a lot and spend some money.

Congrat's GazaT.
If Coventry wasn't so far away I'd take some of you as I haven't any betas left. The hazards of asking a novice to look after my fish for a month or so. It wasn't her falt she did realy well with the others, maybe she's just not a beta person.
Hi Guys,

Nice to know your back Adeyc. I've only been keeping bettas for approx 3-4 months, but i have done a lot of researching on the fish. My male betta is really working hard to keep the fry in the bubble nest, its fun to watch him suck them in and then spit them out back into the nest.

Davy i think it would be a good idea to have a sell/swap section, as i have already purchased one tank off the net. :thumbs: (you'll see this tank set up some time next month) :D


Just looked at the main forum page to see sell/swap & live stock added.

Gaza t
Hi guys,

just an update on how things are going with my fry. Well after having approx 30 - 40 fry hatch :D i am now down the grand total of 6 :( , i dont know where the others have disappeared to.

i'm so disapointed that i have lost so many, i am wondering if i removed the male too soon and drowned the weaker ones (the male was collecting thr fry and placing them back into the nest).

any help or suggestions

gaza t
Hey GazaT, Cheers me old mate. How long did you leave the male in for?
What pair did you breed( colour, variety etc) and did you write everything down. Someone at sometimes gonna need a bit of help in the future and it pays to have some tech details scribbled down, I always check back on notes and stuff to see if I can improve the proccess.

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