Hey all. I just got a second 55 gallon for the house. I'm thinking about getting kribs. It has sand substrate, eventually will be heavily planted, and is running a 300 watt heater, as well as a Penguin 300 filter. I've jump started the cycle with mature media from my other 55, so I am anticipating complete cycling in the next few days. Ammonia went from 4 ppm to .5 ppm in about twelve hours, 0 nitrite, 5 nitrate.
55 gallon tank (48"x13"x20")
Marineland Penguin 300 (using carbon filters to jump start the cycle, but the carbon has seen been deactivated, as well as new filter sponges, two bio wheels, and may add some ceramic rings)
300 watt heater currently at around 82 degrees
1.5" play sand substrate
Penny wort
Ludwigia repens
Some sort of grass type
Amazon sword (need to pick up)
Anubias nana (need to pick up)
We are looking to get four common kribs, but we also have a golden gourami who came with the tank and is currently sitting in a five gallon until we get the tank totally cycled. We got him from someone who didn't know what they were doing.
Our potential fish list is looking something like this:
4x common kribs
8x panda corydoras
8-10x pencil fish
1x golden gourami
4x nerite snails
Would this stocking do alright in the tank?
Would the kribs destroy any of these fish?
We will have plenty of caves, but are there any other hiding places they may desire?
Any other stocking suggestions?
Here is the tank:
55 gallon tank (48"x13"x20")
Marineland Penguin 300 (using carbon filters to jump start the cycle, but the carbon has seen been deactivated, as well as new filter sponges, two bio wheels, and may add some ceramic rings)
300 watt heater currently at around 82 degrees
1.5" play sand substrate
Penny wort
Ludwigia repens
Some sort of grass type
Amazon sword (need to pick up)
Anubias nana (need to pick up)
We are looking to get four common kribs, but we also have a golden gourami who came with the tank and is currently sitting in a five gallon until we get the tank totally cycled. We got him from someone who didn't know what they were doing.
Our potential fish list is looking something like this:
4x common kribs
8x panda corydoras
8-10x pencil fish
1x golden gourami
4x nerite snails
Would this stocking do alright in the tank?
Would the kribs destroy any of these fish?
We will have plenty of caves, but are there any other hiding places they may desire?
Any other stocking suggestions?
Here is the tank: