Worried I'll Be Overstocked


Fish Addict
Jul 24, 2011
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Hi there, I have a fully cycled 30 gal tank and I'm beginning to get my stock, I just wanted opinions on my list to determine if I'll be over stocked. My plan is:
1 Female Pearl Gourali
4 Platys
8 Neon Tetras
6 Panda Corys
According to AqAdvisor I'll be 83% stocked, but I don't put much stock in aquadvisor. I have a Fluval 306, which can handle 70 Gal, but I don't know if having such an overpowered filter will compensate for being a pretty full tank. 
Any suggestions to change the stock are welcome, though I already have the BNP and 3 of the 4 platys
I think it should be fine. Although keep in mind the platy fish will breed if you have both genders.  But some of the fry will be eaten by the Gourami if seen
Aquadvisor is kinda complete garbarge as a stocking method, it says one BGK can fill an entire 200 gallon tank and still not enough... But yes that stocking sounds fine to me, platys will breed so if you dont want them to survive dont provide hiding places for them, i mean like tiny areas, like java moss or tiny corners.
sawickib said:
Aquadvisor is kinda complete garbarge as a stocking method, it says one BGK can fill an entire 200 gallon tank and still not enough... But yes that stocking sounds fine to me, platys will breed so if you dont want them to survive dont provide hiding places for them, i mean like tiny areas, like java moss or tiny corners.
One BGK in a 200g tank with other things is okay. Ninjouzata is putting one in a 129g with birchirs, angels, etc, so it isnt like it cant be with anything.
Though, I just tested it out, says my water change schedule should be 3%  per week and I do close to 75%/wk. :lol: it also says my filtration for a betta splendens is 1398% haha
I dont likee it and I dont trust it.
I think you are stocked perfectly as it is, and the platys may make lots of babies for ya ;) . In my opinion I think you could up the corys shoal to 8 and add 1-2 more neons.
sawickib said:
Aquadvisor is kinda complete garbarge as a stocking method, it says one BGK can fill an entire 200 gallon tank and still not enough... But yes that stocking sounds fine to me, platys will breed so if you dont want them to survive dont provide hiding places for them, i mean like tiny areas, like java moss or tiny corners.
Some will still survive. LOL I always used to try to save my guppy fry, but when my dad forbade it claiming he wouldn't let me take them to the pet store and wouldn't have the tank overstocked, I had to stop. I was still swamped with guppies. They hide in the corners, at the edges and near the top, and they are FAST. :D
EllieJellyEllie said:
Aquadvisor is kinda complete garbarge as a stocking method, it says one BGK can fill an entire 200 gallon tank and still not enough... But yes that stocking sounds fine to me, platys will breed so if you dont want them to survive dont provide hiding places for them, i mean like tiny areas, like java moss or tiny corners.
One BGK in a 200g tank with other things is okay. Ninjouzata is putting one in a 129g with birchirs, angels, etc, so it isnt like it cant be with anything.
I know it can lo, i was just trying to prove a point, mines going in my 300 gallon as well :D
I have to separate my fry if i want any to live, they have a few aggresive tank mates that are ok with the adults, but love the fry.
I was planning on all one gender platys
I went through the 'Must save every fry' phase. It was a bit of a pain once the batch outgrew the nursery, because I had nowhere to put them. Now I just let nature take it's course, if one survive, great, maybe I'll have room for it, if not, the pet store probably has room for it. 
As far as trusting said site, I don't really trust it either, I just use it as a sort of double check for my own opinion. (I can agree I'm probably about 85% full with that list
) And a 30% water change is my standard water change on this tank. And then I have you guys to triple check my opinions!

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