Worming Discus!


Fish Crazy
Dec 16, 2010
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I wormed my juvenile discus for the first time since i got him about 20 minutes go, he's been looking quite thin but has still been eating plenty, just not growing!!
Can anyone tell me how long the treatment should take to have an affect, and when i should start seeing improvements in his condition? :) Thanks!
We would need some more details....

size of tank, parameters, other inhabitants, how long have you had the discus, do you have any other discus, how frequently do you do water changes etc. etc.
Just the one discus, 130 litres, I've had him about a month :) I have harlequin rasboras, a few guppies, a lyre tail balloon molly and some corydoras :)
I just wanted to know what the usual sort of time for them to pass the worms and be better is - if he does have them!
Thanks x
You know that discus are a schooling fish and won't be happy unless they are kept in bigger numbers right?

In that size of tank (and following the 'usual' 1 fish/10g rule) you have space for 3....but that assumes you aren't really keeping any other stock in there. Discus would prefer to be (and will be happier) in a group of at least 6.

Is it showing any signs of stress? Overly dark colours or clamped fins? A pic may help.

Have you tested your water? How often do you do water changes & with what sort of water?

You may be able to cure the worms short term with something like this This but your fish won't be happy long term IMO
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Yeah i am aware of that, i rescued him from a friend and am off to uni in september so cant really be investing in any more fish at the minute or i'd love to get him some companions :( he's swimming around happily, still lovely bright colours and not showing any signs of distress, yes i added that kusuri this morning so hopefully he'll fatten up and grow a bit! Thanks for your advice, i've always wanted a very large tank with lots of discus which will be my first priority when i'm out of uni :)
Ok - well good luck.

Have you thought about trying to rehome it? Who will look after it when you go to Uni?

Keep us posted on how you get on.
My parents are going to look after my tank, my house rabbit that i'd had for 8 years recently died so they know its very important to look after my last pets! I sure will, i'll see how he gets on, if he doesnt improve i'll consider rehoming him if it'll make him happier ... he's generally a very colourful and happy fish so i hope its just a curable parasite!
Brain (my discus) is looking much better today, more chirpy and eating like a little pig :)

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