Wood Leaching!


Fish Crazy
Jan 15, 2012
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I had bogwood in my tank ages ago but made sure it was well soaked before hand, nearly no leaching. I took it out about 6 months ago to change the look of the tank, wrapped it in clingfilm and stored it in the shed. I changed setup again at the weekend and put the bogwood back in without soaking it. 3 days later and my water is very orange looking. Is this a danger to my fish and will it go away with water changes??? Not sure if this constitutes an emergency but its got me worried.

Thanx in advance.

It wont harm the fish, as the wood has dried out and contracted cracks (tiny) will have appeared, as its filling up with water again the tannins are being released, a few wc and it should clear up :)
It wont harm the fish, as the wood has dried out and contracted cracks (tiny) will have appeared, as its filling up with water again the tannins are being released, a few wc and it should clear up
Thats great!
As mentioned above, no harm will be caused from the tannins, infact it's considered to be very good for fish... but aesthetically for us, not so good lol.

Water changes will certainly dilute it, and after a while it will leech less and less.
If you want it gone quick, carbon in your filter will remove it, but you will probably have to do this over and over again until it stops completely.
If you want it gone quick, carbon in your filter will remove it, but you will probably have to do this over and over again until it stops completely.
I think I'll leave it to the water changes, saves messing with the filter. How long do reckon til it completely stops?
If you want it gone quick, carbon in your filter will remove it, but you will probably have to do this over and over again until it stops completely.
I think I'll leave it to the water changes, saves messing with the filter. How long do reckon til it completely stops?

Unfortunately it could be months but because it has previously been soaked, it could only take a couple of weeks..... I setup a tank for my dad about 3 months back with new wood which was soaked for about 3 weeks previous to adding to the tank and it's still leeching quite a bit now.

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