Will plants grow in gravel?


Fish Crazy
Jan 29, 2004
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Hey, I have a 15gal tank, when properly stocked will have an apple snail, tetras (colombians & probably black widows), + hopefully a ram. Will have some lighting, but I'm not sure how much, depends on what kind of light I can get. I have a gravel substrate, about 1" thick. I do have some plastic plants, but I really want to have live plants - can any grow in gravel? If so, which ones?

Most plants that form roots will grow in gravel. Gravel does not allow them to anchor as well as a finer substrate, so some very buoyant plants will eventually float loose, Ceratopteris thalictroides for example. The coarser the gravel, the bigger the problem.

Light is more important then substrate. If you can get 30 Watts of full spectrum (5500K - 6500K), fluorescent light over the tank then you have "Medium" light. Browse the list at Tropica for plants that require Medium light, match your water chemistry, are flagged as "Easy" or "Very Easy" and suit your taste.
Normally I would say "it not a good idea" but there is lots of plant that doesn’t need to be rooted to grow, and can get nutrients from the water, these plant will grow if there is the right amount of light

Java fern also doesn’t need lots of light and a setup with 2watts per/gal would be more than fine.
Thanx, will check out java fern, some of the anubias varieties, crinum natus, cryptocoryne pontederiifolia & cryptocoryne beckettii "petchii" when I get my light up & running to see if any of them are available around here. How many different plants should I get? Are these good choices? Thanx!!
Anacharis will make roots that hold it in the gravel. Roots will come out of the stem wherever a new bud starts forming usually, that's when I cut the plant and push the top half into the gravel to propogate. If I don't want it to bud there I cut the roots off early on.
I have heard of many people having success with gravel. I used gravel and none of the plants ever floated loose. I would use Seachem's flourite gravel because of the extra neutrients though. I just don't like the look of sand.
Awesome, thanx everyone. I have actually tried with a couple of different plants in the beginning, but no great success. I had one, a broad leaf sturdy kinda thing which seemed to be coping alright, survived a few weeks, with only the younger cuttings floating out regularly, but then I managed to drop the glass covering in, barely missing a number of my fish & crushing the plant :*) Then the lfs didn't have any of it anymore so I tried a few different things over time but I had a major problem making them stay in & healthy between having no tank light, & being used as a jungle gym by my snail, eaten by the guppies, angelfish & snail, & constantly being uprooted by my krib & angelfish.......but now those poor babies have passed on :-( & I'll be getting a light next week so I figure it's time to try again. Planning on getting a ram though - do they cause a lot of havoc??


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