Widow Tetra Problem!

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Aug 24, 2012
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I'm in a bit of a predicament right now. We have two dyed painted tetra fish in a ten gallon tank.
A) from research, they are nippy in groups of less than six.
B) I hate that they're dyed, I'm against that now.
C) I can't get out to the fish store for more than 3-4 days
D) I don't want to get more of these dyed fish to make the two happy.

The one is chasing the other all around the tank, and going after the guppies. It's like he's on crack. He's bouncing around all over the tank 100 mph and I don't think they're playing tag :sad:

I don't know what to do. We're going away this weekend and I don't want this crazy one stressing the others out.

I'm not sure if I should just throw him out into the pond and let nature take it's course or what.
Maybe if I put him in a tupperware for a little while and have a time out.

I don't know if the fish lady will let me exchange them, when I get out there.

We called another fish store and they'll take all of the fish and I can exchange for some REAL NEON tetras. But will they make it the next four or 5 days together? None of them have been bitten, just chasing.
What do you guys suggest I do?
Why not get some more? Plain vanilla Gymnocorymbus will school with the dyed ones (and yes, I agree, the "tattooing" process used is horrible). In groups of 6+ specimens they're fairly mellow, even lazy when they get older.

It's widely known that this species is a fin-niter, especially when bored. I'm surprised you didn't come across this while reading up on your options before shopping. With this said, Gymnocorymbus ternetzi is a robust species, easy to keep and indifferent to water chemistry, so an ideal species for beginners. Just don't keep with slow-moving or long-finned tankmates. They're fine with catfish, barbs, etc.

Cheers, Neale
They were doing fine for 3 weeks or so, and now this yellow tetra is going after the blue one. I don't want to get more of the dyed ones because I don't want to support that. I was in a fish store the other day and they were tattooing the fish with hearts. :angry:
I'm not sure if the pet store has the "plain vanilla" ones. If so, they'll be good to ad to the pack of two?
This crazy tetra isn't even really going after the guppies at all, just the blue striped tetra.
The other fish store guy said I can trade all the guppies and tetras in for a school of NEON tetras. I think that's what I'll do. But right now I feel bad for the blue striped tetra :unsure:

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