Why Isn't My Co2 Working?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 7, 2012
Reaction score
London Ontario Canada
I tried twice making this recipe, first time mixed 1/2 teaspoon of yeast in 80 degree water, then once it was bubbling I put it in the bottle of 80 degree water with 2 cups white sugar. Hooked it up to my DIY bottle and after 2 days I was still only getting 1 bubble every 3 seconds in my second jar (one filled with plain water to wash the CO2) I gave the mixture bottle a bit of a shark and several bubbles of CO2 went up the ladder diffuser so I'm pretty sure I don't have leaks. After those initial bubbles there was no more CO2 going into the tank. My tubing is sealed with aquarium silicone and lids were on tight. My mixture just doesn't seem to have enough umph to send the CO2 into the tank. So I bumped the yeast up to 1 heaping teaspoon and mixed it with the sugar and waited 2 days. This time I was getting 1 bubble a second in the bubble counter jar but still no CO2 delivered to the tank. Can someone give me a bit of help here and suggest what I might be doing wrong?
Firstly you want the water room temp as the higher water temp will kill the yeast quickly and do you have any pics of your set up?
I would say you have a leak. It's very difficult to not have a leak in DIY set ups. In a very quiet room, shake up the bottle and listen. You should hear a hiss if u have a leak.

You could also put some soapy water around each of the seals, any leaks would produce bubbles.

I used 3 2l bottles, on a weekly rotating cycle. 14g of yeast mixed into warm water, not too hot as you will kill the yeast, just above room temp. Mix it into about 100ml of water, with a pinch of sugar and leave it alone for about 15 mins.

While I waited, I mixed up 300g of sugar into warm water in the bottle, about half full. Shake it until it dissolves fully.

Then add the yeast mixture to the bottle. Give it a good shake, then top up with tepid water just to the top of the bottle label.

That worked a treat for me.

I bet you have a leak.

On one of my topics, I had photos of my setup, feel free to take a look :)

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