why do my pictus catfish do this?


Fish Crazy
Dec 22, 2004
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I have two pictus catfish in one of my tanks. Every once in awhile one of them will get really big and hide in a cave and really wont come out while the other will swim around and go in and out of the cave. I dont know what they are doing, anyone have an idea?
Sorry I cant help you, but mine do exactly the same. I was abit worried last week beacuse the one with the fat belly was just hiding under a rock, but I got some excellent advice on feeding Pictus. Have a look at the thread

My Webpage

Hope this helps. :D

Glad I could be of some help :D .

I'm sure you will get some other replies.

It may be just that one is claiming a certain spot.

Pictus (like most predatory catfish) can eat enough food to massively swell their body and they will often sit for a coupld of days while digesting their feast.

Another point to remember (and I'm not having a go here) is that pictus prefer groups with 3 being the absolute minimum and 5+ being prefered. Outside of these numbers you may find they act a little differently.
my 3 do that. these things will eat forever if they had that much food. mine gets so swelled sometimes after feeding time.

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