2 nights ago, I did a 75% water change, properly vacuumed the gravel & rearranged some of my plants which caused the water to become murky from hidden dirt under the gravel. The following day, half of my fishes were dead and the remaining 3 neons seem to have fin rot overnight. I am fairly new to fish keeping, but I do my very best to keept he tank in tip top condition and feel very saddened and guilty for the deaths :'(
Tank information:
- 24 gallon tank has been set up for more then 3 months.
- Heavily planted, no rotting plants.
- 25-50% water changes twice a week since set up.
- Anti-chlorine always added in water before adding water into tank.
- 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 capful of beneficial bacteria added on each water change.
- 2 corys, 11 neons, 2 guppies, 2 white clouds, 4 rummy nose (8 neons & 4 rummy nose died and remaning 3 neons now have what seems to be fin rot)
- All fish get along very well, even schooling fish though they are not in numbers of 6 or above. No fin nipping, fighting, etc.
- Water: PH 7.4 (tap water is 7.2), Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 5.0 (sometimes Nitrate is 0 a day after water change, is this normal?)
My questions:
What could have been the cause to the high number of deaths?
Can fin rot appear overnight? (half of the top and tail fins are gone, with white bits on the edges. Seems to be getting worse)
How can I treat fin rot without using chemical meds?
Thank you for your help...
Tank information:
- 24 gallon tank has been set up for more then 3 months.
- Heavily planted, no rotting plants.
- 25-50% water changes twice a week since set up.
- Anti-chlorine always added in water before adding water into tank.
- 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 capful of beneficial bacteria added on each water change.
- 2 corys, 11 neons, 2 guppies, 2 white clouds, 4 rummy nose (8 neons & 4 rummy nose died and remaning 3 neons now have what seems to be fin rot)
- All fish get along very well, even schooling fish though they are not in numbers of 6 or above. No fin nipping, fighting, etc.
- Water: PH 7.4 (tap water is 7.2), Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 5.0 (sometimes Nitrate is 0 a day after water change, is this normal?)
My questions:
What could have been the cause to the high number of deaths?
Can fin rot appear overnight? (half of the top and tail fins are gone, with white bits on the edges. Seems to be getting worse)
How can I treat fin rot without using chemical meds?
Thank you for your help...