Having read through this thread, and your previous thread, a few things spring to mind.
First, the tank is too small for platies and swordtails. We have a forum section dedicated to the needs of nano-tanks and there is a list of suitable species pinned at the top.
Secondly, I suspect that you didn't wash the rock well enough, and you have transfered some sort of poisonous substance into the tank with it. I strongly suggest that you do as large a water change as you possibly can as soon as you can. It may be that taking the rock out will solve the problem, but equally it could be that you will have to do multiple water changes to rid the tank of whatever the problem is.
Thirdly, in your previous thread, you were asked on multiple occasions about whether the fiter was adequately rippling the water, and you didn't once answer that question. When people ask you questions, it's because they need to know the information in order to advise you in the best way. They are not being nosey. You will not get the best advice if you don't give all the information requested.