2 years ago I set up my first ever tropical tank. It's the Jewel trigon type holding around
45 gallons after displacement for various items. The probLem I have is over the last 18 months I have slowly but surely been losing fish and the pattern is always the same. First of all it's always one fish at a time,the fishe one question start to remain motionless,usually either mid tank or upper levels. The fish then start to move irrationally or sometimes swims as if it does not know how to right itself. Death usually follows these symptoms after 3/5 days. So far I have lost 4 Tigers,3 swordtails,Guppys and tetras,but never more than one at a time. My water readings are good part from the fact that my tap water is always high in N2 Nitrate. I have tried large 90% water changes!but usually o one WT a week of around 25%. My substrate is grave, I do try and keep plants which should decrease m N2 but they seem to die and won't root in the gavel. At a loss what do now,something is obviously wrong but don't know what it is.
Today readings with my API test kit.
Ammonia 0
Nitrite. 0
Nitrate 40/60 ( usually is around 60/80ppm )
PH. 6.5
Thoughts ?
45 gallons after displacement for various items. The probLem I have is over the last 18 months I have slowly but surely been losing fish and the pattern is always the same. First of all it's always one fish at a time,the fishe one question start to remain motionless,usually either mid tank or upper levels. The fish then start to move irrationally or sometimes swims as if it does not know how to right itself. Death usually follows these symptoms after 3/5 days. So far I have lost 4 Tigers,3 swordtails,Guppys and tetras,but never more than one at a time. My water readings are good part from the fact that my tap water is always high in N2 Nitrate. I have tried large 90% water changes!but usually o one WT a week of around 25%. My substrate is grave, I do try and keep plants which should decrease m N2 but they seem to die and won't root in the gavel. At a loss what do now,something is obviously wrong but don't know what it is.
Today readings with my API test kit.
Ammonia 0
Nitrite. 0
Nitrate 40/60 ( usually is around 60/80ppm )
PH. 6.5
Thoughts ?