

Warning - Mad Cory Woman
Oct 24, 2011
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yes, I know what your all thinking ... why do I need to ask about whitespot I should know by now what it looks like and I do only ... it doesn't fit.
It's one of my little baby cories. There's four in there at various sizes and anyone following my threads will know 3 of the four are hybrids. Now the 3 hybrids look fine but the little one that's a full panda has got about 6 white spots in various places around it's little body. BUT ... it's not flashing. In fact it appears to not be bothered at all!
So ... treat or leave and see what develops? Treatment and fry is never a good option and would always be a last resort and with them being babies and cories I'm worried about turning the heat up too. I can't add salt either.. 
A photo might help us, if you can Akasha.  I concur with your reluctance to treat, particularly when not sure what is may be.  B.
You could add to UV sterilizer to help prevent the possible spread of ICK if that is what it is.  If it then appears certian it is ICK increase the temperature of the water.  If it turns out to be nothing the UV sterilizer has done no harm.
I've just checked on him/her this morning and can see nothing ... I'm wondering if it's tiny grains of sand that I'm mistaking for whitespot cysts. I don't have a uv sterilizer ... my fry tank is very basic and simple. I can turn up the heat but I'm worrying it would severely affect fish so young - that was why I came here to ask 

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