White Spots On Plastic Plants - Id Please :)

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Apr 1, 2013
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Hello folks!
Below are some pics of a 5.5 gallon established tank.  It currently houses 1 male guppy, 1 female guppy, and 2 snails.
Tonight I noticed some white spots on the plastic plants in the tank.  There are very few on the live pants.  There are some coating the outside of my filter intake of my HOB.
Can anyone help me ID them?  The fish are not eating it, and I am currently unsure if the snails are eating them.  The fish don't seem distressed.

There's a snail in the middle stem.  These are plastic plants.  Tchaikovsky's (male guppy) fin in the bottom right corner :)

Close up.
There are very, very thing strands connecting the spots in some parts of the fake plant.  The spots appear to be stationary as well.
Any help is appreciated!
Quick question...  ?  You say this is a 5.5 gallon...but it seems larger than that.  Also, you mention tank occupants as one male guppy, one female guppy and 2 snails..  yet I see 3 other fish (appear to be Platies).  Are there other fish in the tank that are not mentioned? 
Not sure on the white spots.  Have never dealt with them myself before.  First thought would be the snails... but it seems a bit odd to me that they would pick fake over real plants.  Perhaps they prefer that style/shape of plant. 
Hopefully, someone with more experience will be along shortly!  Also, maybe you could list the general need to/want to knows such as tank parameters and how long the tank has been established, etc.  :)
I had the camera really close to the glass to take those pictures, elsewise the spots wouldn't show in the pics.  The platies you see are actually in the paper background i taped to the outside of the tank.  Fooled ya! :)
The tank has been running for four months now, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, 5 ppm nitrates.  I think the snails are just feasting on the diatoms that were everywhere in the tank.
If you saw it in person, I'd bet you wouldn't be fooled.  :p
What type of snail do you have?
My LFS sold them as black mystery snails.  I'll snap a pic tomorrow when the lights are on.
Hmm...  That doesn't look like any mystery snail eggs I've seen.
I might pull the plants out and put them into a chlorine bleach solution and scrub them clean - then give them a good rinse in some water (and a triple dose of dechlorinator) and then rinse again, before replacing in the tank.  (Leaving them out of the tank to dry afterwards should also help with getting rid of the chlorine after the bleaching.
I've got some pics of my snails.  It appears they are mating (or fighting).  The spots were still there this morning.

Yikes!  Mating or fighting?  I'm not sure...

A different angle

Here's a view of a single snail, but from a different tank.
Anyway, I doubt they are snail eggs.  I'll just do a big water change and try to clean off the plastic plants.  They are forming on my live plants now as well.

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