white spot

betty boop

New Member
Oct 18, 2016
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New to whitespot. Did a water change before I started to us protazin. On day 3 whitespot is getting worse. Temp set at 26c. Plan to do water change on day 7. When can I expect to see no more whitespot. If not clear by day 7 can I do another course of treatment.
Protozin is cracking stuff, I use that when I get white spot. Or at least, I use it when my fish get white spot.

You should expect to see fish with no cysts at about day 6 or 7. You should follow the instructions on the bottle to the absolute letter of what it says, don't deviate at all. In particular, it says to keep treating the tank for 3 days (IIRC) after the fish are clear of cysts, this is vital.
Have you increased aeration and removed black carbon from the filter?
How are the fish in themselves as some fish don't tolerate whitespot medications to well.
Are you using the full dose?

I agree with the_lock_man so follow his advice.
Most fish are looking fine . Koi angel and two gouramis look better today though are spending alot of time at surface. What is 3 days (llRC). Thanks for advice this forum is helpful and reassuring
Glad to hear things are going well.
Good Luck.
Thanks this keeping fish is enjoyable and a huge learning curb. I should have replied to your question properly sorry. Tank is 160 litre so using just over 15mls of protazin. Don't have carbon in my filter and have air bubbles running in tank. Waiting on spectrum thera a with garlic fish food have read this stuff is good for fish immune system. Woo hoo koi angel is now slowly exploring tank.

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