I recently got a Nitrite spike, so I'm doing water changes and adding Prime, but today I noticed a couple of my fish had developed White Spot, so I get the treatment.
It tells be to remove any carbon from the filter, I presume the carbon stops the medication correct me if I'm wrong there.
Then it says repeat the treatment after a few days, but what about the Nitrite spike, how can I change the water, won't that weaken the medication or do I add more meds after the water change, and if I leave the water won't the Nitrite still be there adding to the problem?
It tells be to remove any carbon from the filter, I presume the carbon stops the medication correct me if I'm wrong there.
Then it says repeat the treatment after a few days, but what about the Nitrite spike, how can I change the water, won't that weaken the medication or do I add more meds after the water change, and if I leave the water won't the Nitrite still be there adding to the problem?