White Spot Treatment I'm Puzzled


Sep 24, 2012
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Manchester UK
I recently got a Nitrite spike, so I'm doing water changes and adding Prime, but today I noticed a couple of my fish had developed White Spot, so I get the treatment.
It tells be to remove any carbon from the filter, I presume the carbon stops the medication correct me if I'm wrong there.
Then it says repeat the treatment after a few days, but what about the Nitrite spike, how can I change the water, won't that weaken the medication or do I add more meds after the water change, and if I leave the water won't the Nitrite still be there adding to the problem?
The carbon absorbs the medication, that's why you have to remove it.

I'm afraid you just have to do the water changes and redose every time. Don't forget to dose only the new water though, not the whole tank.
Thanks I guessed that is what I would have to do, going to cost more in medication now though but I suppose if it does the job it will be owrth it.
I think I caught the White Spot early as just a couple seem to have it plus the last time I looked it was just a few spots but I read it can soon multipy, does the treatment stop that happening seeing as I acted fast?
Its going to go on for awhile, theres not much you can do about it. If by White Spot you are referring to Ich/Ick then you could raise the temperature slowly as long as its not too high for your fish. Warmer waters makes the parasite breed faster. You cant kill it while its on the fish feeding but when the white spots fall off the fish and go into your substrate to breed, THATS when your medicine kills them. You will see the spots vanish from your fish but keep at the dosing instructions for at least a week once you see all the spots are gone. Its a pain with all the water changes, but it has to be done
Thanks again, I did raise the temp.

I remember years ago when I kept fish one of my tanks got infected, I was new to the hobby and didn't know what it was, there was no internet then and I only found out from visiting the fish shop and asking.

I'm a bit worried for my Corys, I can only ever see 4 out of the 6, I'm wondering if they have died but I did a search but couldn't find them, I'm wondering if to remove all the rocks then it might reveal thier whareabouts but then my Cichlids will loose their caves and hiding places.
With reference to the missing Corys above, I found them, both dead so in one way it is good news because that will explain why I got the Nitrite spike, I did another water change and added the White Spot meds to the ammount of water I took out.
I'm hoping the Nitrite will have come down and I might not need to change the water again till I get this White Spot sorted, it might be my imagination but in spite of the WS the fish seem happier, I'll do a test in the morning fingers crossed.

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