Hi Guys
I have had a 90l tank setup for about 4 months now, and use sand as a base
I was away this weekend and returned to see my clown loach and angel fish had white spots!
Headed to pet shop and got some white spot treatment and was recommended to add aquarium salt too ( have never used this before)
Done a 25% water change and Added as per insutructions yesterday and that night the tank looked crystal clear!
I have returned home tonight and my clown loach didnt make it and there is a slight cloudyness of the water - is this part of the process?
I have 1x angel, 3x blue neon, 1x bumblebee fish, 1, mid sized long tail bristlenose, 6x guppies, 4x black spotted yellow tetra. ( and had 1 departed clown loach )
PH is arround 7.6, i dont have a nitrate or amonia testing kit
Any recommendations or wise words?
I have had a 90l tank setup for about 4 months now, and use sand as a base
I was away this weekend and returned to see my clown loach and angel fish had white spots!
Headed to pet shop and got some white spot treatment and was recommended to add aquarium salt too ( have never used this before)
Done a 25% water change and Added as per insutructions yesterday and that night the tank looked crystal clear!
I have returned home tonight and my clown loach didnt make it and there is a slight cloudyness of the water - is this part of the process?
I have 1x angel, 3x blue neon, 1x bumblebee fish, 1, mid sized long tail bristlenose, 6x guppies, 4x black spotted yellow tetra. ( and had 1 departed clown loach )
PH is arround 7.6, i dont have a nitrate or amonia testing kit
Any recommendations or wise words?