White Spot (Flesh Wound?) On Gourami


New Member
Feb 28, 2012
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Hello All! I'm new to this forum, and from browsing around so far like it very much!

I did wind up here quick though because I need some help - I have a gourami with a white spot on his head. I'm fairly fish knowledgeable, but by no means an expert... I tried treating with Pimafix & Melafix - it seemed to get a LITTLE better for a day or two, but now seems back to going downhill. I'm not really sure what to identify it as... Possibly fungal? Below is a picture of it. It doesn't really look cottony more just white with pink edges kind of. It has been there for a few weeks now, but since the Pimafix and Melafix didn't do much, I'm getting concerned... also because I have 4 clown loaches (2 of them over 7 years old) and I am not sure what to do.

I don't have a spare tank (yet) to use as a quarantine, though I do have a 7 gallon sterile bucket I was debating moving him to. Before I do that though, wanted some advice!

Also, not sure if it's relevant, but the other gourami (same kind) has a fairly rounded belly.. more so than the one in the picture. One fish at a time though I guess!

Thanks in advance for your help!


That's either a bog-standard lesion/wound (likely), or hole in the head (unlikely). Please fill out this form so we know what's causing it: http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/2330-please-read-before-posting-to-emergency-section/

Primafix and Melafix have never worked for me, I prefer to use eSHa 2000, but none of these will "fix" the problem, they will just prevent a secondary infection.
Thank you so much for your quick response! Sorry, I didn't see that that needed to be filled out for this forum! I have to be completely honest - I've had fish for a long time, but haven't had to deal with anything much other than Ich. I don't have the test kits, when I need(ed) water tested I would bring it to the pet store..

Tank size: 55 Gallon
pH: neutral last I checked
ammonia: unknown
nitrite: unknown
nitrate: unknown
kH: unknown
gH: unknown
tank temp: 80F

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): White lesion with pinkish edges closer to the head

Volume and Frequency of water changes: 1/4 monthly

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: Emperor 400 Filter - a little aquarium salt with large water changes

Tank inhabitants: 3 gouramis, 2 tetras, 5 corys, 3 bala sharks, 4 clown loaches, 1 rainbow shark, 1 pleco, 1 SAE

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): plastic plants (2)

Exposure to chemicals: Pimafix & Melafix treatments (Last day today)

Digital photo (include if possible): see above

I will order / pick up those test kits asap, I've been meaning to for awhile. Hopefully this is some kind of start though where maybe anyone can advise a course of action? Should that fish be separated? I know clown loaches can be more susceptible to certain issues / medications, so I have been keeping a very close eye while this gourami is having his issue.

I know I should already have those test kits. Be gentle.

It really looks like a wound of some kind, maybe scraped against a rock?
That's what I thought it was at first too... our bala sharks have gotten scrapes from the lava rock (which I am slowly removing / replacing - just got the rock this weekend).. except for that it's been about the same for 2 weeks now. I don't see anyone picking at him or being aggressive towards him unless it's when the lights are out. We also have a giant gourami who had what appeared to be a little scrape getting infected, but that did appear to get fixed with the pima/mela fix. It just looks scarred now. I did a 25% water change after 7 days of the Pima/Mela... should I do another round of it? Or try the eSHa 2000 as Kat recommended? I know Kat also said that's only for secondary infections..

The only other thing that is a little different is I have been more consistent with my water changes.. And on the last one I rearranged the tank. Is there anything that I can/should try in there (that is safe for clown loaches)? Just wait and see now that the PIma/Mela is done? No other fish have any symptoms of anything.

Do fish scab like out of water animals? It almost looks like sometimes the white is gone, but almost like it fell off, but then reforms.
If you have chlorinated tap water you could try daily w/c where you would add the tap water un-dechlorinated. Make sure your filter is turned off so you do not kill your beneficial bacteria. The chlorine will double as a desinfectant for the wound. Before you turn on the filter again, add the dechlorinator to the tank to make it safe for your filter. This should prevent any secondary infections and help the wound heal.

Having a smaller hospital tank would be very handy for this, since the daily water changes would be a whole lot easier! :good:
The chlorine is poison to fish. Better to use melafix or Stresscoat additive.
I was thinking stress coat too. Maybe I will pick some up tomorrow. I ordered a full water test kit online just now, but will bring my water as soon as I can to be tested before I get it. I don't think the water is an issue, though.

The melafix is on it's last day today.

The stress coat can't hurt anyone, right? Might as well do a round of it? And then I'll just keep an eye on it. Possible that he's just a slow healer, or keeps irritating it.
The chlorine is poison to fish. Better to use melafix or Stresscoat additive.
It won't be harmful for these few short minutes!!!

Here is a thread where it was also recommended:
jsmith33, the culprit is very likely one of the fish (you have a few aggressive species). Quite a few will outgrow the tank and need more of their own kind. How is the treatment going?

Rummynose, the link does not mention chlorine: can you provide evidence that chlorine works as a disinfectant? I recommend that you are more specific when giving advice; most dechlorinators will deal with far more than just chlorine. You might find it of interest to know that chloramine (which is quite different from chlorine) is used commercially to treat against gill parasites, there are a few papers on this subject.

On the other hand, my experimentation with household ammonia and water that contains enough chloramine to result in 0.25 ppm ammonia after dechlorination resulted in a conclusion that a 10% un-dechlorinated top-up will stall a filter (that is processing 4-5 ppm ammonia per 24 hours) for 2-4 days. Did you find out if jsmith33 has chlorinated or chloraminated water? Or both? I doubt that they need to deal with a stalled filter on top of the wounds right now.

This Old Spouse, Melafix is not a dechlorinator ;)
Just to chip in my advice on your water changes..i, personally, don't think you're doing enough.10-15 gallons once a month (especially with the current stocking you have) should be more like 10-15 gallons PER WEEK. Upto you though, and i hope your sick Gourami get better real soon.

Just to chip in my advice on your water changes..i, personally, don't think you're doing enough.10-15 gallons once a month (especially with the current stocking you have) should be more like 10-15 gallons PER WEEK. Upto you though, and i hope your sick Gourami get better real soon.
+1, infrequent water changes can actually be quite harmful as tank water parameters can drift quite far from tap water which means that unless the water change is done at the rate of *proper* (read "slow") acclimatisation, then you could be shocking the fish with a change of water parameters every time.

Also (since all of your fish still physically fit into the tank, some can't be adult yet), regular water changes will help keep the water better quality for the growing fish because they would remove, for example, growth stunting hormones from the water.
jsmith33, the culprit is very likely one of the fish (you have a few aggressive species). Quite a few will outgrow the tank and need more of their own kind. How is the treatment going?

Rummynose, the link does not mention chlorine: can you provide evidence that chlorine works as a disinfectant? I recommend that you are more specific when giving advice; most dechlorinators will deal with far more than just chlorine. You might find it of interest to know that chloramine (which is quite different from chlorine) is used commercially to treat against gill parasites, there are a few papers on this subject.

On the other hand, my experimentation with household ammonia and water that contains enough chloramine to result in 0.25 ppm ammonia after dechlorination resulted in a conclusion that a 10% un-dechlorinated top-up will stall a filter (that is processing 4-5 ppm ammonia per 24 hours) for 2-4 days. Did you find out if jsmith33 has chlorinated or chloraminated water? Or both? I doubt that they need to deal with a stalled filter on top of the wounds right now.

This Old Spouse, Melafix is not a dechlorinator ;)

I never suggested it was.

Rummynose, the link does not mention chlorine: can you provide evidence that chlorine works as a disinfectant? I recommend that you are more specific when giving advice; most dechlorinators will deal with far more than just chlorine. You might find it of interest to know that chloramine (which is quite different from chlorine) is used commercially to treat against gill parasites, there are a few papers on this subject.

This Old Spouse, Melafix is not a dechlorinator ;)

To be more specific: Tolak's comment which is comment #5 on said thread!!!!!
That one is starting to look a little better, but now the other gourami (same species) is starting to look fairly bloated.. overfeeding is definitely not the issue... Parasites of some sort? Its only the gouramis though, all of the other fish are healthy as can be.

I have an 18 gallon tank that I'm debating separating gouramis into at least temporarily. Is that way too tiny? This way if its a bully fish is be able to tell. If that is the case I could either rehome or look into a bigger tank if 18 is.way too small for 3 gouramis.

Thanks again for all the replies.

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