White Spot &discus


New Member
May 25, 2013
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had a leak in our large discus tank so we put them in a 95 ltr tank until tank is repaired, now my discus all three have white spot, we have been doing daily water changes of 40-50% temp is 86 ph is 7, dont really want to medicate at this stage so added salt after water change yesterday, will i have to just keep adding salt after every water change?
Moving to Emergency section.
they are only 3 inches long and they are on their own the filter is matured i had other fish in it for years, it was an emergency it had to be done or lose the discus
When fish are moved/stressed it tends to open them up for infection. Which is more than likely what's happen, I suggest treating for whitespot.
after raising temp to 86 , 50% water change and salt added got home from work today and discus are much better just a few spots, another 50%water change tommorow and more salt and fingers crossed no more white spot. happy days...

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