Which snails are these?


Fish Crazy
May 13, 2020
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Hi all,

Short story is; there is a video link with a close up if you skip a bit, can you identify these snails?

These have showed up overnight and there are 7 today after removing two yesterday. They seem like they grow a half cm per day or something as I don't see them and all of an sudden... They're very noticeable.

Not sure which plant they came with but they multiply or grow fast. They are out of the shell, I dislike snails to be honest and I just put a big red spotted one in there yesterday for clean up and as a companion for my female betta.

This is a 30 litre tank.

I have had advice about putting lettuce in overnight to remove them but really I just want to know what they are.

I dropped a smaller one than these in my goldfish tanj yesterday and I'm unsure if they ate/extracted it from the shell but one tried then spat out and left it.. Didn't check if it was still in there.. As I said I'm a bit phobic of such things.

I do want them to become food rather than... Rubbish as some suggest and currently is my only choice. So if you think goldfish will eat them, do suggest.

Most importantly I'd like them identified so I can research. The shell seems quite distinct.

I look forward to your suggestions. Sorry if anybody's offended by my lack of joy and affection for these living beings. I don't want to fake it. If you love them, you're welcome to have them. Lol
Looks like small pest snails I used to have.
What are the species in the tank? It may be worth getting some assassin snails to eat them:
Theyre ramsorns! My favorite ''pest'' snails.
Personally I like having some snails around as they give an indication as to tank health. A while back I had a population of bladder/pond snails but they are all gone now due to my cichlids seeing them as food. Most cichlids eat about anything. If they could reach they would probably eat their own tails. ;)
Theyre ramsorns! My favorite ''pest'' snails.
I actually got rid of most of them because I hate slimey things and I cannot stand the snails who I can see out of the shell. I can only tolerate nerites because you cannot see anything but shell.

I saw one two weeks ago amd decided to leave it. They move super fast, and GROW super fast!!

Are these really ramshorns though? Because I have these tiny little snails in my main tropical tank that pop up everywhere and then disappear, and and show up again and they never ever grow more than 2mm and even if they did come out of the shell, they're so small I cannot tell. I was told THESE were ramshorns!

This new spiral shelled one though, is much larger in just two - three weeks of growth.. It is 1cm, like the others who also grew fast, and I noticed them overnight... However these DO come out of the shell and look pretty much like land snails..ugh anything like worms or snails creep me out and it's hard to love gardening and aquatic care whilst having such a phobia but..please don't judge me for it lol I cannot help the feeling.

But if anyone can conclude what these are, and what the tiny ones that never grow are.. Perhaps I can decide if I should keep this or not? Based on the benefits out weighing my emotional struggle lol

I've included a photo of this one which is always the same colour and grow just as fast. Same spiral shell. I've included under it a photo of the tiny ones the same size as the guppy fry so you can see the comparison.



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