Which Shrimp For 32gallon Nano?

Yeah, I know what you mean. :D The CBS look like crabs... they have claws and everything. :D
Well CBS have been known to kill small fish like gobies, especially in nano tanks where they can't get away from the shrimp.
OK. So today I've come home with 4 red-legged hermits and a pair of boxing shrimp! I couldn't resist the cutness of the boxing shrimp and in the end they won the vote! I was considering have some blood shrimp too but figured that as this was such a small space it wouldn't be a great idea. Thanks for your views guys!
My understanding is that they don't tolerate their own kind ourside of a mating pair.

Also known to be aggressive...
get 2 bloodshrimp, they are larger, so they poick up more uneaten food, and they won't kill any fish or inverts, and I haven't seen one steal food from a coral yet. lol

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