Which Nutrient Tabs?


Fish Fanatic
May 23, 2012
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I've read here about nutrient tabs and wanted to give them a try since my swords are turning a bit brown. What tabs would people recommend and where do they get them?
I used JBL ones and they are rubbish, sorry not great advice that your looking for but atleast you have an idea of where to stay clear of. Look forward to hearing of some good ones in here.
TNC plugs are good as are TPN+ caps...however, plants don't really need root tabs, you will read that these plants are 'heavy root feeders', well theres nothing really classed as heavy root feeders, these plants will do well if the water column is dosed well. These 'heavy root feeders' are often found in area that flood and the root systems are actually there to anchor the plant rather than feed the plant. Thats not to say the root will take nutrients as it will, but just remember that there's nothing as such as a heavy root feeder.
Thanks for the replies everyone. What would you recommend Ian, TNC+ liquid dosed into the tank? I've read something about this in the FAQ thread of this section.
I use Api root tabs with good success, no other ferts dosed

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