Fish Fanatic
hello, i am setting up a 55 gallon and i was curious on which made tighter schools! i want a school of 7 zebra danios and i always wanted a school of harlequin rasboras but at the LFS there were some tetras that caught my eye. its tough because i want a few guppies, a couple swordtails, a couple platy maybe a molly, and a centerpiece, maybe an angel or a gold gourami i am still undecided on color scheme but it will have yellow, red and orange. so hot colored fish. does it look good to have some cold colored fish mixed in? im also considering hatchets but idk if that would be pushing the stock limit. Thanks guys and gals
basically my main question is which schoolers would accent my predicted stock well and how many schools and how many per school
basically my main question is which schoolers would accent my predicted stock well and how many schools and how many per school