Fish Fanatic
Hi everyone, I hope you all have had a wonderful holiday season. 
After the unexplained death of my beautiful honey gourami, I'm not sure what to do next with my 20 gallon tall tank. The current stock includes:
5 harlequin rasboras
2 American flagfish
1 panda cory, 1 melanistus cory, and 1 bronchis splendens
1 otocinclus
I'm also planning to add a small school of celestial pearl danios once my LFS gets them in Stock.
The fish that I was considering, were a pair of bolivian rams, a pair of peacock gudgeons, or a single honey gourami.
The only fish that I don't have experience keeping is the peacock gudgeon, but I've done extensive research on them and have fallen in love. I know I can't keep all of these fish, but the decision between them is impossible.
One of the biggest factors that could decide which fish, is the fact that I have very hard water and a high pH. However, I've been able to keep most fish that are considered "soft water" with careful drip acclimation. My most recent additions were ember tetras (different tank) and they are thriving.
EDIT: The tank is also lowlight, with black substrate and black background, heavily planted with floating and rooted plants, and has solid structures with plenty of caves and crannies for the fish, so it would be an ideal home for any of the species.
So, I need help choosing! Bolivian rams (most likely females), peacock gudgeons (male and female), or another honey gourami? Thanks for any suggestions!
After the unexplained death of my beautiful honey gourami, I'm not sure what to do next with my 20 gallon tall tank. The current stock includes:
5 harlequin rasboras
2 American flagfish
1 panda cory, 1 melanistus cory, and 1 bronchis splendens
1 otocinclus
I'm also planning to add a small school of celestial pearl danios once my LFS gets them in Stock.
The fish that I was considering, were a pair of bolivian rams, a pair of peacock gudgeons, or a single honey gourami.
The only fish that I don't have experience keeping is the peacock gudgeon, but I've done extensive research on them and have fallen in love. I know I can't keep all of these fish, but the decision between them is impossible.
One of the biggest factors that could decide which fish, is the fact that I have very hard water and a high pH. However, I've been able to keep most fish that are considered "soft water" with careful drip acclimation. My most recent additions were ember tetras (different tank) and they are thriving.
EDIT: The tank is also lowlight, with black substrate and black background, heavily planted with floating and rooted plants, and has solid structures with plenty of caves and crannies for the fish, so it would be an ideal home for any of the species.
So, I need help choosing! Bolivian rams (most likely females), peacock gudgeons (male and female), or another honey gourami? Thanks for any suggestions!