Which Filter?

Mar 28, 2013
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Hi guys
Looking for a bit of advice.
At the moment i have a 4ft tank (72 gallon-324 litre) and have only just found out that my Aqua 1000 canister filter only filters upto 200 litres.
I should have known this i know but i'm still a sort of novice!
I've had it for nearly a year and it's been fine but high levels of amonia due to me overfeeding was found by my local tropical fish shop and then told that my filter is only doing the said 200 litres.
I was wondering does anyone know of a filter that would be suffice for my tank without paying the world or should i just get another Aqua 1000?
Cheers guys.
well that depends, if you cut back on the over feeding then you may not have a problem, i would recommend the AquaManta 1500U its about £130 cheaper than the Eheim equivalents it will be perfect for you tank 1500Lph sufficiant for your tank, also has a UV filter that will help against some algae in the water column anything around the 1200LPH to 2000Lph filter would be good for you tank i have a 330L tank and have two tetratec 1200's and they do me well but the filter it self is a little disappointing
At the moment i can't really afford to pay out on a bigger filter. Looked at the Penguin 350 but i have glass sliders on top and glass supports all around the top so i don't think i could sit it on the way it supposed too. Until i can afford to upgrade to a larger one, i think i may have to have an internal one. Does anyone know of any good ones and for a cheap price? By the way, i live in Liverpool, England just in case i get any American links!!! Thanks guys
Also, i have just one heater in my tank...Is that suffice? The temperature seems fine and i have it where the outlet of the filter is so it's circulating the heat.

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