Which External Filter To Purchase?


New Member
Nov 29, 2010
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Ilford, Essex

Its been a good while, since I been on here and posted, just been really busy.

I have come on for some advice from you experts really.

I have a TropiQuarium 88 and with the tank we got the Fluval BioLife internal filter.

On the manual the current internal filter is "output without air" 430 l/h or "output with air" 370 l/h

Now I have come to the conclusion, that internal filters are no good, as we got sand at the bottom and you
can see the poo on the top of the sand, which does not look attractive, especially as its Argos play sand.

The tank is 130 Litre tank by the way.

Stocking is currently 10 guppies and a Bristlenose plec

Now im bit baffled as to which new external filter should I get, as I hear external filters are the way to go

Which filter would be the best for me?

1. All pond solutions the 1000 l/h or 1400 l/h
2. TetraTec ex1200 perhaps?
3. Fluval 306?

Or any you guys recommend.

Thank You in advance.

I personally own a Tetratec Ex1200, my tank is a 90 litre one!
Way too big for a 90l but having said that, this does have flow output control valve in which you can adjust the flow whichever way you want. I have a spraybar along the back of tank, nozzles pointing about 45 degrees up towards surface of water to front of tank and IMO its very good flow and no dead spots. You can do quite a lot with this to control whichever flow output you want. Quite a few options to find the suitable flow you are after.
Filtration is extremely good and have had no spikes in water parameters at all (touch wood!)
Thats the main reason I bought this (second hand!)
Have had no problems so far, just teething trouble at the start and once you know how the filter works and operates. I am in fact impressed with this filter TBH. 
Only thing is, its big! The physical size of this and just fits in my cabinet below the tank, snug fit but would not have it any other way!
Would recommend this without any hesitation.
I have fluval 306 in both of my 240ltr tanks and would recommend very easy to setup & maintain  
probably a 206 would be ok for your tank
I,ve just bought an all pond solutions 2000 with uv light but only set up last night but my friend has one on each of his tanks and I was impressed but also on the large side!
Thank you for your replies so far.

I been looking at the all pond solutions as on their website, have read good reviews on their filters.

I was looking at either the 1000 l/h (£50) or the 1400 l/h (£75), however I am unsure as to which one to go for?
You can never have too much filtration IMO.
As long as you can control the water outflow, then always go for the larger ones if possible.
You can always move that filter to a larger tank if you ever get one.
So for peace of mind, get the 1400 l/h one if yo have the budget for that.
Nothing wrong with the other one though, so depends on your budget really. 
Bear in mind that the actual output of APS filters is greatly reduced once you've inserted all the filter media.
Nevetheless, APS is the way to go, crystal clear, pure water for such a bargain, why spend more?
You wont need the uv steriliser, thats more useful for marine tanks, and it breaks easily and needs to be replaced regularly
I'd go with the the 1000lph one, thats more than enough filtration for your tank :)
Please let me know what you get and how it goes 
I am running two externals in my 200l tank. The first is an Eheim 2073 1050l/h and the second is an AllPondSolutions 1000l/h.
I change the wool filter in my Eheim every month as regular maintenance
My AllpondSolutions is now into its second month and i have still not stripped it down to clean it and the water pressure from the spray bar is still the same as when i first set it up in the tank.
It is also extremely quiet.
WELL impressed with it so far
TheTankMan - I was looking at the 1400 l/h as I have read and also you have stated that once the media has been put in the output gets reduced, so if I get the 1000 l/h and once the media goes in, I was assuming that it may work the same as the internal filter I have now.
TheTankMan said:
Bear in mind that the actual output of APS filters is greatly reduced once you've inserted all the filter media.
Nevetheless, APS is the way to go, crystal clear, pure water for such a bargain, why spend more?
You wont need the uv steriliser, thats more useful for marine tanks, and it breaks easily and needs to be replaced regularly
I'd go with the the 1000lph one, thats more than enough filtration for your tank

Please let me know what you get and how it goes 
Rob5 - Thank you for your comment, I was wondering whether its easy to do maintenance on these filters, as it would be my first ever filter that I will purchase and use on my tank, as ive always had internals but I feel that a change is needed.

Would it fit nicely on my TropiQuarium 88, or would I need to cut the hood to get the pipes into the tank?

Sorry for all the questions, thanks again.

Rob5 said:
I am running two externals in my 200l tank. The first is an Eheim 2073 1050l/h and the second is an AllPondSolutions 1000l/h.
I change the wool filter in my Eheim every month as regular maintenance
My AllpondSolutions is now into its second month and i have still not stripped it down to clean it and the water pressure from the spray bar is still the same as when i first set it up in the tank.
It is also extremely quiet.
WELL impressed with it so far
I would imagine that whatever external you buy you will have to modify your hood on your tank for the pipe work Krisham

I must admit I am using a Eheim pick up tube and spraybar but I might fit the APS ones soon

As for the maintenance of the filter, I think it will be quite easy due to the basket system it uses which is very similar to my Ehein

I personally prefer externals as I find internals an eyesore

The 1000l/h will be ample, but if you can afford the extra in my opinion go for the 1400l/h
I have decided to take the plunge and treat myself to a allpondsolutions 1400 filter.

However on their website there are 2 different ones, one with the UV light and one without?

I am unsure as to which one I need?

Without the UV light - £60

With the 9W UV light - £75

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