Where Is Steelhealr?

He could be mourning the 90th aniversery of the Somme. Amazing that one of the best things that happened to this country happened just three days from the start of the worst thing that happened to many nations.
Nah..he was cutting the lawn, cleaning up the house..and..of course....feeding the fish...lol. SH
whats a vacation? i havent had more than 2 days in a row off of work in three years, maybe i should ask for one of these mythical vacations?
well your right about that, but you can add pizza men to the list - seven days a week, 52 weeks a year. Neither wind nor rain nor snow nor sleet, can stop the dominos fleet from bringing hot fresh pizza to you door. Of course, when it is raining, snowing, sleeting, and freezing rain...you would think that people would tip better. But alas, nope. I risk my life to bring people dinner for a buck. Makes me wish that I could get this fish spawning business rolling faster. At least then I could stay home and work. lol.

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