Where Is Nelly?


Fish Gatherer
Apr 24, 2012
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Nelly the nerite seems to be missing.  I bought Nelly 2 days ago (spiral horned snail).  She was on a munching sprint around the tank from the moment she got in there, all day yesterday... and today.... I can't find her at all.  I have even pulled out a flash light and looked all the tank over, all around plants, up and down plants, all the sides, corner, in the filter (I'm sure she wouldn't fit anyway), the lid, etc etc.  It is IMPOSSIBLE that she escaped, I put mesh over the back and she could not move it.  I have looked outside the tank too anyway.
Do horned nerites burrow?  I have refrained from tearing everything up in panic.  But I CANNOT spot her.
Nerites are exceptionally good at hiding. They can get themselves into all sorts of crevices; I sometimes wonder how they get themselves out of some tiny holes they look so wedged in. I've given up trying to find mine when I can't see them. And with yours being one of the smaller species that makes it even more difficult to find than with the larger ones like zebra nerites.
It is quite possible that Nelly is just stuffed and recovering from an extra large meal. If you still see nothing for a few days, that's the time to go on a snail hunt.
Do you have any caves or holey drift wood, where she could be hiding inside, under the "roof"? Have you checked under the lid? If you have a black rim at the top of the tank she could have crawled up the glass and just be hidden behind the rim!? 
I too think she is just busy digesting her belly-full of food somewhere. A Nerite snail we had about 3 yrs ago we'd named Waldo.....where's Waldo....lol :) Sometimes I can't find one of my 1 inch long Sulawesi Snails, you'd think they're big enough not to miss, but these critters are very good at hiding! So don't worry just yet, she'll poke her head out again soon!
I shall try and chill and look again tomorrow.
My tank has several anubias, two types of hygrophilia, an arch ornament, thermometer, heater and filter.  I have checked the condensation tray and all around the hood, checked the rim too... then checked it all over again with the flashlight in case I am blind!  LOL
She must be hiding.  I am just really surprised to not spot her since I even chose one that wouldn't match the gravel!  LOL
Oh dear 

Am sure Nelly is fine, like some of the others have said, snails can be extremely good at hiding.
I have assassins and they can hide for days on ends sometimes and I wonder where the hell can they be and 10 mins later they pop up!  

Don't worry am sure she is resting after all that activity and eating 
My girlfriend is acting just about the same..
Since the day I told her that Nerites were escape artists, first thing she does in the morning is search for them.
When she can't find them, she immediately asks me if it's gone.
LOL, yep, that sounds exactly like me too even though I put plastic mesh at the back!
Anyhow... Nelly is back!  She is munching across the glass as we speak!

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