When Will Swordtail Fry Develop Color?


New Member
Nov 8, 2015
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Hello, I have a little over a dozen swordtail fry. They're a little under 3 weeks old and not showing any color yet. They're about the same size as my black molly fry that are not quite a week old.
It's normally around the six to eight week mark, but different colours develop at different rates, so there's no way of telling for sure.
Awesome! Thank you. What's the minimum size tank I could use to raise fry in? I have 11 fish (2 swords and 9 mollies) in a 35 gallon tank that has plenty of plants and decorations and most of the fry seem to be able to hide just fine but I would like to get a second tank going anyways.
Even though fry are small, they produce quite a lot of waste, as they're growing; more than an adult fish of the same size. I really wouldn't recommend anything less than a ten gallon.
You could use something like a five gallon, but you'd probably need to be doing daily water changes. Livebearer fry produce hormones that stunt the fish's growth once it reaches a certain concentration, so the more water volume, and the more water changes you do, the better the fry will grow.

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