When To Swap From Internal To External Filter?

David J

Nov 18, 2012
Reaction score
East Lothian, Scotland
Hi folks

My planted 90L tank with Fluval U2 filter currently has the following stock.

7 Lemon Tetra
6 Glowlight Tetra (plus 1 fry)
6 Panda Cory
3 Assassin Snails

My intentions are to gradually add the following to the community.

2 Bolivian Ram
4 Otocinlus
10 Cherry Shrimp

It has always my plan to swap from internal to external at some stage during the stocking process. I just added the Panda's today. I'm in no hurry but now thinking ahead. I am looking at either the Fluval 206 or Tetratec 700.

Dopes anyone have an opinion on if I am now at the stage when I should swap filters before adding anything else or do I have a bit to go still?

Hey David,

I'd get that external running asap.. then once it get's established take the other offline, or be crazy and has them both running..

I like running a few different filters.. I run both external and internals on my 37 gallon.

Also a good trick is to take the cover off the external and put some lucky bamboo or spider plants in the filter.. Also Pathos will work too..
I have canisters on all my tanks, even my 20g. So much easier and efficient!
ive been told to get them both running together for at least 1 month,
remove the media from the internal filter(sponge) and stick it in the external filter
Hey David,I'd get that external running asap.. then once it get's established take the other offline, or be crazy and has them both running..I like running a few different filters.. I run both external and internals on my 37 gallon.Also a good trick is to take the cover off the external and put some lucky bamboo or spider plants in the filter.. Also Pathos will work too..

What is the lucky bamboo etc for?

brownd95 said:
ive been told to get them both running together for at least 1 month,

remove the media from the internal filter(sponge) and stick it in the external filter
I'm going to just run the external but put the existing media into it.

Thanks for the replies. I suppose it does make sense just to get it ASAP. I will need to do some cutting of the rear section of the lid to accommodate the hoses which I don't relish but I've read through another thread on here that shows 2 people how have done it and the results are decent.

I now just need to measure up and get a canister that will fit in my cabinet.



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