David J
Hi folks
My planted 90L tank with Fluval U2 filter currently has the following stock.
7 Lemon Tetra
6 Glowlight Tetra (plus 1 fry)
6 Panda Cory
3 Assassin Snails
My intentions are to gradually add the following to the community.
2 Bolivian Ram
4 Otocinlus
10 Cherry Shrimp
It has always my plan to swap from internal to external at some stage during the stocking process. I just added the Panda's today. I'm in no hurry but now thinking ahead. I am looking at either the Fluval 206 or Tetratec 700.
Dopes anyone have an opinion on if I am now at the stage when I should swap filters before adding anything else or do I have a bit to go still?
My planted 90L tank with Fluval U2 filter currently has the following stock.
7 Lemon Tetra
6 Glowlight Tetra (plus 1 fry)
6 Panda Cory
3 Assassin Snails
My intentions are to gradually add the following to the community.
2 Bolivian Ram
4 Otocinlus
10 Cherry Shrimp
It has always my plan to swap from internal to external at some stage during the stocking process. I just added the Panda's today. I'm in no hurry but now thinking ahead. I am looking at either the Fluval 206 or Tetratec 700.
Dopes anyone have an opinion on if I am now at the stage when I should swap filters before adding anything else or do I have a bit to go still?