When Can A Molly Fry Breed?


New Member
Apr 23, 2012
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Hi, so when does a dalmatian molly reach adulthood and get ready to breed? So that i can sell them or give them away.
I've upgraded from a 5g to a 10g to a 20g in 2 months with just a pair, although i started with a trio and 1 female died.

Also, some of the fries has like a brownish gold base color, rather than the others that have a base color of white.
Generally it is agreed that mollies reach sexual maturity at five to six months old. Though I've had molly fry drop their own first fry as young as four months.
It depends on what you feed them, the size and temperature of the tank. The more protein in the food the faster they grow - also, if they get more food they grow faster. If the tank is large and is 80 F or higher they will grow faster.

The brown base is a result of genetics, one or both parents probably had a creamsicle molly as a parent, though the parent may have been born purely dalmatian looking, the fry may display the brown/orange that one of it's grandparents had.
Ok, thank you for that. The fry are about 7 wks old, and there is a new batch about 1 wk old. The 1st batch are almost an inch and a quarter now.

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