What's Your Favorite Aquarium Fish?

The December FOTM Contest Poll is open!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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Hmmm I'll have to think about that one....


I think it is the Kuhli Loach :good:

Second is chain loach!
As always German blue ram!
I don't keep marines but my favourite marine is the mandarin fish. Stunning!
I love my sterbai corydoras :)

Also quite keen on denisonii barbs
I would say my favourite Marine fish is the Majestic Angelfish. You could choose any angelfish IMO, Queen, Emperor, Flame. French, etc.

Favourite freshwater fish? I can't choose one :/

Electric Blue Ram/Discus/Apisto. Hongsloi :)





Neons, bettas, kuhlis, and Pygmy cories
+1 on Pygmy Corys - I have a shoal of 8 and they are by far the most active and fun fish in my tank. The shoal up and swim all round my tank at all levels and really liven it up.

I also love the other 2 dwarf cory species; habrosus and hastatus


<------ My favourite fish out of what I've ever kept was my dwarf gourami, he was rather fun. I don't think they're my favourite ever fish...I don't think I have come across that yet.

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