What's Wrong With My Angelfish?


New Member
Nov 6, 2012
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My angelfish both have a redness at the base of there dorsal fins and I have been treating them for almost a month now with melafix. The redness has not gotten worse and they are still eating. What's wrong?
How big is the tank and what are the water stats (including pH and hardness, if you know them)?

What fish (species and how many of each) are in the tank?

Pics would help a lot, if you can get some.
They are in a quarantine tank that is a 20 gallon nitrite nitriate is around 0 ph is 7.5 the GH is 180 ppm
Pics don't work for me for so e reason
I think I should soften the water a bit
Have you tested for ammonia at all?

Is your tank cycled? I would expect to see at least a small amount of nitrate in a cycled tank.

Are there just the two angels in there? How big are they?
They are about the diameter of the top of a pop can
Tank is cycled
But they got the redness in my main tank that has other fish that are way more sensitive to water quality and they are fine
I'm using the testing strips so they are not exactly accurate
Last week I had a gold electric blue ram in with them that was in there for a week that had some funny infection
He got it around the same time as the angels
No ammonia test on the strips?

How big and how often have your water changes been? What type of angel are they? Have you seen them fighting or being aggressive to each other at all (although they're a bit small for those sorts of problems) and do you know how old they are?

Please try and get some pics up, I'm really just groping in the dark here!
No aggression they were purchased the size of dimes in June or May water changes once a week 25% to 50%
I think I can't post pics cause I'm on my ipad
They are just regular angels silver with black stripes
No amonia on the strips
It's not a pic of my angel but this is what it looks like on both of them except only on there dorsal fin


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I'm afraid that's not going to help; we want to be diagnosing your fish, not that one!
It's the exact same though
Diagnose that angelfish and it will help me a lot with diagnosing mine
Well, the redness on the dorsal fin of that fish I would have said was normal colouring :/
It's not because on that form he said that it was not normal colouring on his fish. It's a platinum angel it's not supose to be red

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