Whats The Worst Advice You Ever Heard A Lfs Give?


New Member
Jul 18, 2012
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Personally, i think the person who strongly recommended me 3 clown loaches for a 64litre tank might be the worst advice i've had myself, and that same store (different advisor) sold someone else for £30 what was easily 8 or maybe 9 inches of sailfin plec, and the guy only had a 120litre tank. :crazy:
We got sold crabs and frogs and the guy told us they would be fine togather and that the crabs can live in normal water...

The frogs didn't live long :-( (2 days)
The crabs survived for a while.

I will be doing my research before asking advice again from LFS's!
Someone namless told me that i could have a common plec in my 64L Tank! Also told me 3-4 Angels would be fine in my 35L tank. I did the stupid thing and bought before researching but luckly i went to aanother LFS who took them off me and replaced them with Cardinal tetra this is going back some time but never bought fish there again. Buy all my stuff from Mainenhead Aqautics in Woking now as the staff is top notch!
And how long before this thread get locked due to naming and shaming!! :rolleyes:
Let's make this simple everyone... Next time a specific shop is named in this thread, it disappears to "never never land" (moved to moderators "junk" section).

Naming and shaming specific stores leaves the forum open to legal proceedings!
iv never really had bad advice from my LFS its a good one. :good: most of the stuff they tell me i double check but there good.
Let's make this simple everyone... Next time a specific shop is named in this thread, it disappears to "never never land" (moved to moderators "junk" section).

Naming and shaming specific stores leaves the forum open to legal proceedings!
Fair warning, cant expect the guy with access to edit every offending post.

From here on out your bad lfs is named MY ex-LFS or some other harmless nickname.. don't get too close or its shot
When I was setting up the 35l, I was looking at getting a couple of dwarf puffers and having it heavily planted. I asked the guy in my LFS if he could get a couple in for me, and his reply was "Aye, but they're a bit small and boring. You'd be better with a couple of figure 8s or something. They don't need any salt or anything and are nice and peaceful. You could put tetras or something in with them" :lol:

Or, alternatively "Yeah, the bala sharks would look nice in there..." Always bad, unless you have a swimming pool as your fish tank.
"you've yet to see a nitrite spike? Then I think you should add 3-4 mollies."
An LFS told me i could keep 2 Blue Gudgeon Dart fish in my 10 gallon when they get 5 inches long! And i already had 2 fish in there!

The things they do for money...
To customer who had just bought a tank and asked for advise ..."Fill it with water leave it for a few days then come back and buy around 6 fish, if you want you can bring a water sample in for testing once a week " - and that was all the advise given. No explanation about cycling, water changes, testing water - nothing!

When I asked why he hadnt given proper advise he replied "Oh we are not taught that, but you are right I suppose I should read up a bit".:angry:

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