Most people either know or find out pretty fast that there needs to be a balance between light, macro/micro nutrients and then co2. But to my mind the most important decision one makes relative to plants is how central and important they are in any given tank. I tend to see it as being a decision which states their importance compared to the fish. And in this respect fish keepers are generally faced with one of three decisions in any tank they might plant.
1. Fish are always more important. So algae may not be a problem, some may be wanted, Water parameters will always be managed to meet the fish needs over plant needs etc.
2. Fish and plants are about equally important. Fish and plants choices are given similar weight and equal concern and hopefully time.
3, The plants and the aquascape are the driving force behind a tank and fish are always chosen in light of the plants chosen. This would cover high tech planted tanks, Dutch aquariums or Walstad type tank.
One of the above three approaches is basically going to dominate in any planted tank. They often determine how many people will allocate their spending and time etc.
When I got my first plants it was because I discovered having some amount of live plants would let me stock more heavily. 13 years later and my co2 added high light tank came down as well as a few other planted tanks. I have always felt that I was a fish keeper first and foremost. But I had gardened outdoors for years. As MTS took hold, I gave that up and began gardening in glass boxes. Today I am removing plants because I simply want much less work. The more elaborate the plants and their needs, the more time they require.
And nobody ever tells the new to live plant folks that the lovely tank that started out as an idea and which one tries to achieve in a tank will not last without a ton of work, plants grow, its as simple as that. And while some plants can be kept at size, others will outgrow tanks and need to be replaced. Maintaining a look once you have achieved it takes work. Even in the low light tanks, they grow, just more slowly.